non static member是属于对象级成员函数,也就是说,每个属于该类的对象都会产生一份属于自己的成员。而static member是属于类级成员,也就是说,无论该类产生多少个对象,而这种成员只会产生一个。为什么static member function只能访问static member data呢?就是因为static member data是属于类级成员数据,non static memb...
这么一来就在存取 static data members 时产生了一些不规则性. 如果 class 的设计者 把 static data member 声明为 nonpublic, 那么他就必须提供一个或多个 member functions 来存取该 member. 因此虽然你可以不靠 class object 来 存取一个 static member, 但其存取函数却得绑定于一个 class object 之上. 独立...
在引入static member functions之前,C++语言要求所有的member functions都必须经由该class的object来调用。而实际上,只有当一个或多个nonstatic data members在member function中被直接存取时,才需要class object。Class object提供了this指针给这种形式的函数调用使用。这个this指针把“在member functiong中存取的nonstatic c...
这在里应该使用namespace而不是class,原因如下: 1.在《Effective c++》这本书条款23中提到:宁以non-member、non-friend替换member函数。面向对象守则要求,数据以及操作数据的那些函数应该捆绑在一起,而上面这个函数显然没有数据。 2.命名空间允许使用using namespace,在代码使用密集使用相关函数时在作用域里声明using ...
Static member functions are considered to have class scope. In contrast to nonstatic member functions, these functions have no implicit this argument; therefore, they can use only static data members, enumerators, or nested types directly. Static member functions can be accessed without using an ...
#include <iostream> using namespace std; class Demo { private: //static data members static int X; static int Y; public: //static member function static void Print() { cout <<"Value of X:" << X << endl; cout <<"Value of Y:" << Y << endl; } }; //static data members in...
Static member functions cannot bevirtual,const,volatile, orref-qualified. The address of a static member function may be stored in a regularpointer to function, but not in apointer to member function. Static data members Static data members are not associated with any object. They exist even ...
Static member functions (C++ only)You cannot have static and nonstatic member functions with the same names and the same number and type of arguments.Like static data members, you may access a static member function f() of a class A without using an object of class A....
类的静态成员 static member 变量全局只有一份副本,不会随着类对象的创建而产生副本。 static 静态成员 在类的成员变量前面增加static关键字,表示这个成员变量是类的静态成员变量。 #include<iostream>usingnamespacestd;structMyStruct{// 下面的这条初始化语句等价于下面的两条语句://(1)ider= ider+ 1;//(2)...
CFormView::OnInitialUpdate();//比如实现了一个类class A{ public: void set(){};};//set成员函数是non-static,明白点就是非静态的//要调用set必须定义一个类的实例-就是对象。