基本概念 静态成员变量(Static data members) 静态成员函数(Static member functions) 只可以使用静态成员的场景 代码示例 总结 基本概念 引例:银行账户类中需要一个数据成员来表示利率,利率变动时,所有的对象都用新的利率,利率是和类相关联而不和每个对对象关联,此时利率便适合作为静态成员。 classAccount{public:sta...
because it is private. Normally we access private members through public member functions. While we could create a normal public member function to access s_nValue, we'd then need to instantiate an object of the class type to use the function!
A static member function can access only the names of static members, enumerators, and nested types of the class in which it is declared. Suppose a static member function f() is a member of class X. The static member function f() cannot access the nonstatic members X or the nonstatic ...
而non-static members可能有修改其状态的风险,因此禁止const限定的member functions修改non-static data (可以访问)以及调用non-const member functions。 此外,一个类可以根据constness来对其member functions进行重载。在这种情况下,仅有const限定的object可以调用const版本的member function,其他情况的object调用non-const me...
这个this指针把“在member functiong中存取的nonstatic class members"绑定于 “object内对应members"之上。如果没有任何一个members被直接存取,事实上就不需要this指针,因此也就没有必要通过一个class object来调用一个member function。不过C++语言到当前为止并不能识别这种情况。
Example of static member function Here is an example of demonstrating the concept of static data members and accessing them: #include <iostream>usingnamespacestd;classDemo{private:// static data membersstaticintX;staticintY;public:// static member functionstaticvoidPrint() { cout<<"Value of X:...
Normally we access private members through public member functions. While we could create a normal public member function to access s_value, we’d then need to instantiate an object of the class type to use the function! #include <iostream> class Something { private: static inline int s_...
I would recommend redesigning the class so that the function can be made non-static.I understand & appreciate the point being made about static & instance members of classes, & it has helped me too because I've just had the same issue.I...
CWG 194C++98(static) member function names can be the same as the class namenaming restriction added (including non-static member functions) References C++23 standard (ISO/IEC 14882:2024): 11.4.9 Static members [class.static] C++20 standard (ISO/IEC 14882:2020): ...
DRApplied toBehavior as publishedCorrect behavior CWG 194C++98ambiguous whether a non-static member function could have the same name as the enclosing class nameexplicit naming restriction added See also classes non-static data members static data members...