Let's take a look at how to write a static function in Kotlin.Consider the following code for 15a_StaticMethods.kts:object MyUtil { fun foo(){ println("Static function foo() is invoked") }}MyUtil.foo()Note that we declared an object MyUtil and defined a function foo(). This is ...
昨天,写BaseApplication时候,一些“静态方法、属性”都放在companion object(ps:kotlin 根本没有静态这个概念,而伴生对象本身是一个单例对象,kotlin的字节码中可以看到)中,MyApplication继承BaseApplication了 //基类openclassBaseApplication:MultiDexApplication(){init{initInstance()}privatefuninitInstance(){instance=this}...
Kotlin is designed so that there’s no such thing as a “static member” in a class. If you have a function in a class, it can only be called on instances of this class. If you need something that is not attached to an instance of any class, you define it in a package, outside...
Obviously it's important to keep the language accessible to newcomers, but I think that static object alone shows how inappropriate the word static is for the Kotlin language. Also, there's an unresolved question here about how you could define an extension static function that is itself an ...
Singleton类可以用接口和继承,static不行 因此,Singleton类稍微保留了一点多态能力,例如可以有多个实现了...
“kotlinx.cinterop.staticCFunction 必须采用未绑定、非捕获函数或 lambda”。 我的问题是:是否有关于如何从此类回调访问任何非全局状态的推荐方法? 我确实想出了一个使用全局变量的讨厌的解决方法,所以这不是我主要寻找的。如果有使用@ThreadLocal或其他东西的普遍接受的解决方案,请讨论。Dom...
一、Kotlin与Java互操作与可空性。 Kotlin与Java互操作性与可空性 Java世界里所有对象都可能是null,当一个Kotlin函数返回String类型值,你不能想当然地认为 它的返回值就能符合Kotlin关于空值的规定。 1、首先定义一个Java类 public class Jhava { public String utterGreeting() { ...
* 在Java里,Kotlin函数类型使用FunctionN这样的名字的接口来表示的,FunctionN中的N代表值参数目。 * 这样的Function接口有23个,从Function0到Function22,每一个FunctionN都包含一个invoke函数,专用于 * 调用函数类型函数,所以,任何时候需要调一个函数类型,都要它调用invoke()方法。 */ Function2<String, String...
When you annotate a function of a companion object with @JvmStatic in Kotlin, a pure static function waterAll() is generated in addition to the non static函数 waterAll() 。因此,现在您可以在没有 Companion 名称的情况下调用该函数,该名称更符合 Java 的习惯: Plant.waterAll(); 单例 在这两种...
nargs— Finds unused arguments in function declarations. prealloc— Finds slice declarations that could potentially be preallocated. Reviewdog— A tool for posting review comments from any linter in any code hosting service. revive— Fast, configurable, extensible, flexible, and beautiful linter for Go...