In html file ,i have wriitten {%load static %} I am using runserver to run django , my operating system is windows 10 No static files are found whether it is css or image file . I have used collectstatic also ,but still not working my html code link rel="stylesheet" href="{% sta...
1 在网页中经常用到css和js文件,我们都需要放到static静态文件夹中,那么怎么在django中配置静态文件夹的路径才能使这些文件得到正确解读呢?我们来看看下面具体的方法:找到工程文件夹中的settings.py文件,打开它进行编辑我们建立一个新的变量,可以叫做PROJECT_PATH,叫什么名字你自己定,它用于代表网站所在文件夹的路...
django static files not loading I'm setting up a new django project and trying to get the static files to load. I have done the things outlined in Specifically I have set the STATIC_ROOT, run collectstatic, and set up the static file...
During development, you can serve user-uploaded media files fromMEDIA_ROOTusing thedjango.views.static.serve()view. This is not suitable for production use! For some common deployment strategies, seeHow to deploy static files. For example, if yourMEDIA_URLis defined asmedia/, you can do this...
Edit: 301/404 error NOT 301/401 I'm trying to deploy a Django + Mezzanine app, but I'm running into a lot of 404 errors when serving static files (in production). The exact error is as follows: 2017-01-3121:44:44,981:NotFound:/static/custom/css/bootstrap.min.css/2017-01-3121:...
1.首先在INSTALLED_APPS中要有'django.contrib.staticfiles' INSTALLED_APPS =['django.contrib.admin','django.contrib.auth','django.contrib.contenttypes','django.contrib.sessions','django.contrib.messages','django.contrib.staticfiles','news',
I am trying to load a CSS file located in my static files onto an extended django html file. The {% load static %} works in the base.html template but does not work anywhere else. I’m not sure how to proceed Here is my …
添加css样式文件 1、首先在app目录下创建static文件夹,如polls/static。django会自动找到放在这里的静态文件。 AppDirectoriesFinder which looks for a “static” subdirectory in each of the&
Serving static files from a dedicated server¶ Most larger Django sites use a separate Web server – i.e., one that’s not also running Django – for serving static files. This server often runs a different type of web server – faster but less full-featured. Some common choices are: ...
..STATIC_ROOT=BASE_DIR/'productionfiles'STATIC_URL='static/'.. You could manually create this folder and collect and put all static files of your project into this folder, but Django has a command that do this for you: py collectstatic ...