Django基础,Day7 - 添加静态文件 static files 添加css样式文件 1、首先在app目录下创建static文件夹,如polls/static。django会自动找到放在这里的静态文件。 AppDirectoriesFinder which looks for a “static” subdirectory in each of the INSTALLED_APPS STATICFILES_DIRS:This setting defines the additional ...
'django.middleware.clickjacking.XFrameOptionsMiddleware', ] 设置whitenoise支持压缩和缓存(可选),在settings.py中设置: STATICFILES_STORAGE = '' 三、Media files的使用 前面我们说过,Media files主要是用户上传的文件,而且上传的时候,后台一般都会关联着FileField或者...
1.首先在INSTALLED_APPS中要有'django.contrib.staticfiles' INSTALLED_APPS =['django.contrib.admin','django.contrib.auth','django.contrib.contenttypes','django.contrib.sessions','django.contrib.messages','django.contrib.staticfiles','news', ] 2.在settings.py中加入: STATIC_URL ='/static/'STATICFIL...
and if you had a static file with the same name in adifferentapplication, Django would be unable to distinguish between them. We need to be able to point Django at the right one, and the best way to ensure this is bynamespacingthem. That is, by putting those static files insideanother...
1、首先确保django.contrib.statifiles已经添加到settings.INSTALLED_APPS中。 2、确保在settings.py中设置了STATIC_URL。 上面两台在创建`Django`项目的时候就自动给我们弄好了,只要没有去改动他,就不用管 3、从网站bootstrap网站下载bootstrap生产文件 从bootstrap网站下载bootstrap4生产文件
Django - Add Static File❮ Previous Next ❯ Create Static FolderWhen building web applications, you probably want to add some static files like images or css files.Start by creating a folder named static in your project, the same place where you created the templates folder:...
1 在网页中经常用到css和js文件,我们都需要放到static静态文件夹中,那么怎么在django中配置静态文件夹的路径才能使这些文件得到正确解读呢?我们来看看下面具体的方法:找到工程文件夹中的settings.py文件,打开它进行编辑我们建立一个新的变量,可以叫做PROJECT_PATH,叫什么名字你自己定,它用于代表网站所在文件夹的...
from django.conf import settings ''' urlpatterns = [ url(r'^app1/', include('app1.urls')), url(r'^app2/', include('app2.urls')), url(r'^admin/',, ] ''' # added for load static files correctly in live env ...
In this article, we will go through the configuration of static files in Django. For the sake of scope of the article, I am assuming you have basic knowledge of Django and have a basic project up and running if not kindly go over these tutorials first. ...
Static Files¶ Settings for django.contrib.staticfiles.STATIC_ROOT¶ Default: NoneThe absolute path to the directory where collectstatic will collect static files for deployment. Example: “/var/www/” If the staticfiles contrib app is enabled (as in the default project templa...