作用是把time函数返回的值转换成unsigned int型值 而这里的static_cast就是C++风格的类型转换
7 unsigned long b = reinterpret_cast<unsigned long>(pc);//char * 转 unsigned long 8 cout<<b<<endl;//输出pc指向地址(即a的地址)对应的整数 9 int *pi2 = reinterpret_cast<int *>(b);//unsigned long 转 int* 10 cout<<*pi2<<endl; //输出49 11 } 【4】const_cast 用法:const_cast<...
unsigned int val = reinterpret_cast<unsigned long>(p); return (unsigned short)(val ^ (val>>16)); } int main() { int a[20]; for(int i=0;i<20;i++) { cout<<Hash(a+i)<<endl; } return 0; } 运行结果如下: 这段代码适合体现哈希的思想,暂时不做深究,但至少看Hash函数里面的操作...
用法:static_cast < type-id > ( expression ) 该运算符把expression转换为type-id类型,但没有运行时类型检查来保证转换的安全性。它主要有如下几种用法: ①用于类层次结构中基类(父类)和派生类(子类)之间指针或引用的转换。 进行上行转换(把派生类的指针或引用转换成基类表示)是安全的; 进...
应该是头文件没有包含。time函数加<ctime> srand和rand函数加<cstdlib> 你应该把整个文件贴出来。
Re: static_cast< unsigned int> question... > I'm (very) new to c++ and I'm having trouble understanding why this doesn't[color=blue] > work. Here's some testcode: > > #include <iostream.h> > > int main() > { > float test; ...
[severity:I’m unable to use this version] [regression] [worked-in:17.10.3] After upgrading, I got link errors with unresolved references to __ltof3 and ultof3 functions. It appears that the compiler implementation of static_cast from long and unsigned long to float chang...
srand(static_cast<unsigned int>(time(0))); 2013-10-20 11:28 free江南夜雨 | 分类:C/C++ 在c++中 这句话是什么意思?我有更好的答案分享到: 按默认排序|按时间排序 1条回答 2013-10-20 17:48热心网友 eadfadsfafdfafdadf 评论| 邮箱登录 手机登录 帐号 密码 记住我的登录状态 忘记密码? 还没...