The message "statement seems to have no effect" is being shown as an allert for the syntax checking in PyCharm. I want to be able to disable it since it shows even on comments surrounded by '', "", and """. How can I disable this alert?
Python 允许这些不被实际使用的对象存在,然而聪明的 IDE 应该会有所提示(我用的是Pycharm),比如告诉你:Statement seems to have no effect 。但是“...”这个常量似乎受到了特殊对待,我的 IDE 上没有作提示。很多人已经习惯上把它当成 pass 那样的空操作来用了(在最早引入它的邮件组讨论中,就是举了这...
I am using the --- mostly excellent --- Community Edition of PyCharm. One thing I badly miss in the debugger is the Set Next Statement of...
The message "statement seems to have no effect" is being shown as an allert for the syntax checking in PyCharm. I want to be able to disable it since it shows even on comments surrounded by '', "", and """. How can I disable this alert?