问题描述: "pycharm" "trying to add breakpoint to file that does not exist" 如何解决? 1、重装了pycharm; 2、版本从pycharm的2022版本,退回到2021版本; 3、问题解决了; 4、花费了4~5个小时; 好文要顶 关注我 收藏该文 微信分享 bH1pJ 粉丝- 5 关注- 1 +加关注 0 0 升级成为会员 « ...
当我运行我的 python 主文件时,PyCharm 一直告诉我Cannot start process, the working directory /home/myname/PyCharmProjects/MyProjectName/mypackage does not exist。 这个错误是什么时候发生的? 在我创建一个包mypackage用于测试目的后,将文件移动到它(包括我的主文件),然后将文件移回根文件夹。 包mypackage之...
当使用PyCharm连接远程服务器上Python解释器进行远程调试时,若提示"warning: trying to add breakpoint to file that does not exist",其原因为过去的文件断点记录保存下来。若删除文件后仍存在记录,运行时就会出现错误。为解决此问题,可前往"Run"菜单下的"View Breakpoints"(快捷键Ctrl+Shift+F8),...
1 pydev debugger: warning: trying to add breakpoint to file that does not exist ① 问题描述 在使用PyCharm连接远程服务器上的 Python 解释器进行远程调试的时候,提示 pydev debugger: warning: trying to a…
FileNotFoundError: TopDownMpiiDataset: file "/data/zhangyy/PoseEstimation/Lite/configs/_base_/datasets/mpii.py" does not exist 具体如下图所示: 原因: 文件缺失 解决: 从mmpose config 下复制个__base__(https://github.com/open-mmlab/mmpose/tree/master/configs/_base_/)粘贴到缺失的位置即可。
求助:“ Canno..萌新求助,用pycharm运行程序的时候,出现了这个报错“Cannot start process, the working directory...does not exist”,关键是,这个程序,
If error "The path Python3 (from --python=Python3) does not exist" occurs, try virtualenv --python=/usr/bin/python3venv step5: Activate the virtual Python environment ‘venv’ . source ./venv/bin/activate Then you can run pip command to install or uninstall packages for this virtual Pyt...
Its also showing a duplicate code fragment that does not exist. I noticed this usually happens when I am also running Jupyter notebooks. My ram/cpu/disk is not maxed out so I am not sure what is happening. Any tips for improving performance or troubleshooting? This is an issue I have ...
PyCharm the working directory does not exist 1. 解决方法: 选择Run-Edit configurations。然后点击Application左边的向下箭头,在Configuration下会显示出Working directory,删除或者设置成合适dircotry就可以 这个问题是由于使用Pycharm时,没有将代码文件放到PycharmProjects文件夹中,而直接使用Pycharm运行了代码。
import os # 打印当前工作目录 print("Current working directory:", os.getcwd()) # 要检查的文件路径 file_path = "path/to/your/file.txt" # 替换为你的文件路径 # 检查文件是否存在 if os.path.exists(file_path): print("File exists:", file_path) else: print("File does not exist:", file...