Tommy Bengtsson Population ageing, the shift in age distribution towards older ages, is of immense global concern. It is taking place to a varying degree all over the world, more in Europe and some Asian countries, less on the African continent. The worldwide sh...
Age. Household structure. Where people live. The surveys collected by the Census and the American Community Survey are the primary sources of demographic information for the United States. Which State Has the Highest Population? With a total population of more than 40 million, California is the ...
By the year 2000, the number of Oklahomans age 65 and older will have grown by nearly 6 percent from the 1990 estimate, but the population of the age group most likely to care for them could drop by nearly 8 percent, according U.S. Census Bureau figures.Wolfe, Lou Anne...
摘要: By the year 2000, the number of Oklahomans age 65 and older will have grown by nearly 6 percent from the 1990 estimate, but the population of the age group most likely to care for them could drop by nearly 8 percent, according U.S. Census Bureau figures....
摘要: A bar graph and table shows school-age population projections by region and state for 1980, 1990, and 2000. The Northeast and North Central regions will show a steady decline, the West will show a steady increase, and the South will decline in 1990 but increase by 2000. (TE)...
Models of accelerated sarcopenia: critical pieces for solving the puzzle of age-related muscle atrophy. Sarcopenia, the age-related loss of skeletal muscle mass, is a significant public health concern that continues to grow in relevance as the population ages... TW Buford,SD Anton,AR Judge,.....
Population Ageing - A Threat to the Welfare State?: The Case of Sweden Tommy Bengtsson Population ageing, the shift in age distribution towards older ages, is of immense global concern. It is taking place to a varying degree all over the world, more in Europe and some Asian countries, less...
Non-specific effect of measles vaccination on overall child mortality in an area of rural India with high vaccination coverage: a population-based case-con... To determine whether vaccination against measles in a population with sustained high vaccination coverage and relatively low child mortality red...
The United States is one of the countries with an aging population. The number of Americans over the age of 65 is expected to double in the next 40 years and people 85 and older are set to rise four-fold between the years 2000 and 2040. New York State has one of the nation's large...
By a fitting multiple regression model to assess the influence of the factors on MMSE score in our urban and rural population. Results We found the bivariate correlation between the MMSE scores and all three factors of age, sex, and educational level (P0.01). The optimal cutoff values were ...