Many of the states in the midwestern and western parts of the U.S. have a lot of land, but a relatively small number of people. These are the five states with the smallest populations, though not necessarily the least population density. One of these may come as a surprise!
The state of populations of the crucian carp Carassius carassius L. and the copepod parasite Lernaea cyprinacea L. was studied after 10 years of a sharp decrease in their abundance. Only one generation of Lernaea cyprinacea species was recorded each year. The alteration of the parasite ...
State of Rhodiola iremelica (Crassulaceae) coenopopulations in the South Urals. Communication I. Quantity, density, age and sex structure. State of Rhodiola iremelica (Crassulaceae) coenopopulations in the South Urals. Communication I. Quantity, density, age and sex structure... Ishmuratova M ...
Getting older Coupled with young families and high school graduates leaving, small-town populations are aging. “We have many counties in Kansas where the median age is 50 – that means half the people are over 50,” Harrah said. Jim Beckwith is executive director at the Northeast Kansas Area...
The influence of age, year of birth, and date on mortality from malignant melanoma in the populations of England and Wales, Canada, and the white populatio... The age-adjusted death rates from malignant melanoma of the skin have increased from 1951 to 1975 by about 3% per year in the pop...
The number of homeless people is based on point in time estimates, unduplicated one-night estimates of sheltered and unsheltered homeless populations. They are carries out nationwide during the last 10 days of January of each year by Continuums of Care (CoC). Citation formats Citation formats...
Most mismatches were cases where agencies perceived their populations as increasing but their estimates showed no discernible trend. Pooling all population estimates for North America suggested that continent-wide black bear numbers had increased by about 2%/year, but this growth cannot be statistically ...
Review of mugger Crocodylus palustris Lesson, 1831 mortality by vehicle collisions in Gujarat state, India For rewilding the depleted crocodylian populations in India, a targeted 'one-species one area' based conservation approach was adopted in the early-1970s. ... R Vyas,V Mistry,P Vaghasiya,...
SYDNEY, Feb. 28 (Xinhua) -- Conservationists in the Australian state of New South Wales (NSW) have managed to restore the populations of three native species in a protected enclosure in the state's far-west desert. The "Wild Deserts" project, led by the University of New South Wales (UN...
State Institution Populations in 2006 Less than 80% of 40 Years Earlier; "Real Dollar" per Person Costs More Than 10 Times Greater state institutions (16 or more residents) for persons with ID/DD for Fiscal Year (FY) 2006 indicate continuing decreases in state institution populations... Robert...