The global climate system is complex. In order to unpack such complexity, the WMO State of the Global Climate uses seven Climate Indicators to describe the changing climate—providing a broad view of the climate at a global scale. They are used to monitor the domains most relevant to ...
climateglobalwmo气象economicimpactsstate SUBJECTTOCOPYEDITWMO-No.1347StateoftheGlobalClimate2023WEATHERCLIMATEWATERBCoverillustration:Ameltingglacierwithchunksoficebreakingapart.Thebackgroundcapturestheconsequencesofglobalwarmingoniceformations.GenerativeAI.ParRegina.N°defichier:640624130WMO-No.1347©WorldMeteorologica...
climateprovisionalglobalandnitrousgasconcentracloca ProvisionalStateoftheGlobalClimate2023Keymessages Theglobalmeannear-surfacetemperaturein2023(toOctober)wasaround1.40±0.12°Cabovethe1850–1900average.BasedonthedatatoOctober,itisvirtuallycertainthat2023willbethewarmestyearinthe174-yearobserva甘onalrecord,surpassing...
In order to unpack such complexity, the WMO State of the Global Climate usesseven Climate Indicatorsto describe the changing climate—providing a broad view of the climate at a global scale. They are used to monitor the domains most relevant to climate change, including the composition of the ...
STATEOFPOLARCLIMATE2023极地气候变化年报 Abstract Polarregionsaresensitivetoclimatechange.thisannualreport,usingvariousclimatedata,indicatesthattheAntarcticandArcticshowedpersistentamplificationeffectsofclimatechangein2023,withfrequentextremeeventsandnotableimpactsonlocalecologyandglobalweather. TheAntarcticshowedslightlyhigherai...
Ling WangNational Climate CenterLinhai SunWei LiXianyan ChenYing LiXukai ZouYundi Jiang大气和海洋科学快报(英文版)
被引量: 0发表: 2023年 State of the Climate in 2010 The earth's climate was influenced by a moderate El Nio in the tropical Pacific Ocean at the beginning of 2003. This ENSO warm event developed during Octob... J Blunden,DS Arndt,GJ Wolken,... - 《Bulletin of the American Meteorologic...
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The Challenge of Blue Economy in ASEAN 2023: Climate Change and Regional Security. As an emerging concept, blue economy shows that the ocean and seas are important drivers of economic growth and innovation, while taking into account the n... PWH Hananto,N Trihastuti,RR Prananda,... - IOP ...
2024), and the breaking of many other climate records (Ripple et al. 2023a). Moreover, we will see much more extreme weather in the coming years (Masson-Delmotte et al. 2021). Human-caused carbon dioxide emissions and other greenhouse gases are the primary drivers of climate change. As ...