The latest State of the Global Climate report shows a planet on the brink. Fossil fuel pollution is sending climate chaos off the charts. Sirens are blaring across all major indicators: Last year saw record heat, record... 来源: 地球 N...
The UN's climate agency, WMO, has released a new report on the state of the global climate in 2023. It shows that last year, records were broken for various climate change indicators like greenhouse gas levels, surface temperatures, ocean heat and acidification, rising sea levels, Antarctic s...
WMO发布的《2022年全球气候状况》(State of the Global Climate 2022)临时报告指出,海平面上升的大部分原因是冰盖融化,并非水的热膨胀作用。 北极海冰面积在一年当中的大部分时间里都低于长期平均水平(1981-2010年)。9月份的面积为487万平方公里,比长期平均...
The lives of millions of people were upended by natural disasters made worse by climate change, withcountries everywhere struggling to cope with billions of dollars in economic losses, according to theWMO's annual State of the Global Climate report for 2023.Laura Millan...
世界气象组织-2023全球气候状况报告 Provisional State of the Global Climate 2023 热度: 第七章 气候与农业气候资源 气象与气候学 教学课件 热度: 世界气象日绿色卡通风关注气候变化和空气质量世界气象日知识介绍课程ppt教育.pptx 热度: 气象科技台作动态20()5年第6}f月 ...
State of the Global Climate in 2022 is produced on an annual basis,complementing the most recent long assessment cycle provided by the sixth IPCC Assessment Report.This is the provisional version;the full and final report is expected to be published in March 2023.The report provides an ...
GENEVA, March 19 (Xinhua) -- Climate change indicators, including greenhouse gas levels, surface temperatures, and ocean heat and acidification, all reached record levels in 2023, according to a report released Tuesday by the World Meteorological Organization (WMO). ■...
“State of the Global Climate 2023 Report”,the WMO states that in 2023,“extreme weather continued to lead to severe socio-economic impacts”(WMO,2024,p.ii)with examples of extreme heat,wildfires,extreme rainfall and flooding,storms and cyclones,and pollution 104、all causing loss of lives ...
WEATHERCLIMATEWATER Atmosphericcarbondioxide(CO 2 )isthemostimportant anthropogenicgreenhousegasdrivingclimatechange [1]. From2022to2023,theannualmeanCO 2 intheglobal sur aceatmosphereincreasedby2.3ppm(Figure1). Thisincreasemarkedthetwel thconsecutiveyearwith ...