Nevada'slaw governing limited liability companies is set forth in NRS Chapter 86 (LLC Act).N Lander CountyN Battle MountainEarthenceRadio Broadcast Guest, "State of Nevada" Show, KNPR, January 21, 2008.State of Nevada, Office of the Governor. (2007, December 14). Governor announces 4.5% ...
NRS 235.025 State colors. The colors silver and blue are hereby designated as the official state colors of the State of Nevada. (Added to NRS by 1983, 1347)
NRS 235.020 State flag.The official flag of the State of Nevada is hereby created. The body of the flag must be of solid cobalt blue. On the field in the upper left quarter thereof must be two sprays of sagebrush with the stems crossed at the bottom to form a half wreath. Within the...
[1] NRS 200.380 defines robbery, in pertinent part, as "the unlawful taking of personal property from the person of another, or in his presence, against his will, by means of force or violence or fear of injury, ..." [2] NRS 205.060 provides, in pertinent part: "1. Every person wh...
Nevada Divestment Measures: Legislation: Assembly Bill 493 (June 2, 2009). State Bodies Affected: Public Employees' Retirement Board (non-binding). Reports: Pursuant to Reporting Requirements Outlined at NRS. 286-723 (January 8, 2013). Funds Divested: $39 million. Prohibited Companies: 4 scru...
Nevada Nevada Car Seat Law (NRS 484B.157) Law: Children who is less than 6 years of age and less than 57 inches tall must be secured in a child restraint system which has been federally approved, is appropriate for the size and weight of the child and is installed within and attached...
NRS 624.031 Applicability of chapter: Exemptions. The provisions of this chapter do not apply to: Work performed exclusively by an authorized representative of the United States Government, the State of Nevada, or an incorporated city, county, irriga
The creditor may repossess or disable the vehicle on your property without a court order, provided it can do so without a breach of the peace. State code: NE UCC Code 9-609 NEVADA When repossession can happen: Your payment must be at least 30 days past due before the creditor can repo...
SECTION 235.110. NRS 235.110 State semiprecious gemstone. The semiprecious gemstone known as Nevada turquoise is hereby designated as the official state semiprecious gemstone of the State of Nevada. (Added to NRS by 1987, 456)
NRS 177.255. The prejudice must be such that the customary polling procedures, admonitions, and instructions are unavailing to insure a fair trial. An examination of the facts must be made in order to determine whether prejudice resulted. Crowe, supra; Irvin v. Dowd,366 U.S. 717, 81 S. ...