Resource Standards (EERS). These 25 states make up 61% of electricity sales in the United States. If each of these states maintains its current EERS target out to 2020, the overall savings would be approximately 236,000 GWh by 2020, equivalent to over 6.3% of 2011 sales nationwide, or th...
In Proceedings of the Noise-Con, Reno, Nevada, 22–24 October 2007. 44. Fleming, G.; Rapoza, A.; Lee, C. Development of National Reference Energy Mean Emission Levels for the FHWA Traffic Noise Model (FHWA TNM®); Report No. DOT-VNTSC-FHWA-96-2, Version 1.0; U.S. Department ...
Placing the 2012–2015 california-nevada drought into a paleoclimatic context: Insights from walker lake, california-nevada, USA. Geophys. Res. Lett. 2015, 42, 8632–8640. [CrossRef] 19. Mao, Y.; Nijssen, B.; Lettenmaier, D.P. Is climate change implicated in the 2013–2014 california ...