說到慢下來,你可能會疑惑:再六個月就2024年了,為什麼 2023 年的調查結果等到現在才發布?老實說,發起新的State of HTML調查、構思新的問卷格式、收集比以往更自由的回答內容,以及重寫許多資料視覺化的程式碼,不誇張地說,最終的工作量恐怕已經超過負荷。
Hello, I have some questions about the data in the charts from the State of JS 2024 report. Taking Vue.js as an example, the line chart shows that the Positivity Value has been 65%, 63%, 63%, and 70% from 2021 onwards, respectively: However, in the 2D trend chart, it appears tha...
There are two basic ways to collect data in a survey: through a freeform text field, or through a list of predefined options (which in the State of JS case also supports an optional "other answers…" freeform field). Each of them have their pros and cons: Predefined Options Pros: More...
State of JavaScript 2022: https://stateofjs.com/en-us/ [3] Prettier 2.8: https://prettier.io/blog/2022/11/23/2.8.0.html [4] Flexbox 交互式指南: https://www.joshwcomeau.com/css/interactive-guide-to-flexbox/ [5] Josh W. Comeau: https://twitter.com/joshwcomeau [6] JavaScript ...
State of CSS 2024 调查报告结果新鲜出炉。 在过去的 2 年里,CSS 发展的十分迅速,学习并跟上所有新特性的强度不亚于一份全职工作。 使用最多的新功能有:blur()、contrast()、:has()、min-content、max-content、fit-content、aspect-ratio、scroll-behavior、backdrop-filter、:focus-visible、CSS 原生嵌套、pre...
Recent advancements in the manufacturing and commercialisation of miniaturised sensors and low-cost wearables have enab
Less surprising but still remarkable is the rocket ship that is Bun.js, now representing 23% of runtime users. That is astounding for a project that only reached version 1.0 in September of 2023. Service workers (20%), Deno (15%), Hermes (4%), and ChakraCore (.5%) round out the ...
Less surprising but still remarkable is the rocket ship that is Bun.js, now representing 23% of runtime users. That is astounding for a project that only reached version 1.0 in September of 2023. Service workers (20%), Deno (15%), Hermes (4%), and ChakraCore (.5%) round o...
State-of-the-Art RecyclingWe buy, process, and sell ferrous and non-ferrous metals by turning raw scrap metal into a clean and mill-ready product Find a Location Services We purchase & recycle ferrous and non-ferrous metals. We are open to the public for
Frontend: a shift in Django developers’ preferences towards htmx, Alpine.js, and Tailwind CSSCopy heading link When it comes to frontend, JavaScript is still the most popular language, with 68% of developers stating that they use it. That said, it’s gradually conceding its comfortable lead ...