[20]Redux 5.0 rc.0:https://github.com/reduxjs/redux/releases/tag/v5.0.0-rc.0 [21]React-Redux 9.0 rc.0:https://github.com/reduxjs/react-redux/releases/tag/v9.0.0-rc.0 [22]An Attempted Taxonomy of Web Components:https://www.zachleat.com/web/a-taxonomy-of-web-component-types/ [2...
說到慢下來,你可能會疑惑:再六個月就2024年了,為什麼 2023 年的調查結果等到現在才發布?老實說,發起新的State of HTML調查、構思新的問卷格式、收集比以往更自由的回答內容,以及重寫許多資料視覺化的程式碼,不誇張地說,最終的工作量恐怕已經超過負荷。
Less surprising but still remarkable is the rocket ship that is Bun.js, now representing 23% of runtime users. That is astounding for a project that only reached version 1.0 in September of 2023. Service workers (20%), Deno (15%), Hermes (4%), and ChakraCore (.5%) round out the ...
Less surprising but still remarkable is the rocket ship that is Bun.js, now representing 23% of runtime users. That is astounding for a project that only reached version 1.0 in September of 2023. Service workers (20%), Deno (15%), Hermes (4%), and ChakraCore (.5%) round o...
A comparative and scientific analysis of different versions of Node.js The year is 2023 and we’ve released Node.js v20 . It’s a significant accomplishment, and this article aims to use scientific numbers to assess the state of Node.js’ performance. All the benchmark results contain a ...
they skew toward adoption of cloud platforms and services more than the general population. All the results in this article are biased on the fact that the data comes from our customer base, a large but imperfect sample of the entire global market. While the definition of serverless can ...
https://github.com/Devographics/Monorepo/tree/main/results Hosted On https://netlify.com Domains https://2022.stateofjs.com https://2023.stateofcss.com etc. 🔒 Surveyadmin Admin app. What It Does Provide a dashboard to manage all surveys. Handle data processing and normalization. Hoste...
What value is a "JS developer survey" if the survey "may not be representative of the developer community at large." This is such a great question. Would a survey of 805 women developers have value? Because this is how many women took the last State of JS survey. I know this is tiny...
This stress is detected by the body’s sympathetic nervous system, which results in the secretion of hormones such as cortisol. The stress hormone increases the blood sugar, alertness, and blood pressure to supply additional blood flow in the body [2]. The heart rate (HR) is defined as ...
Spoiler alert: we’re thrilled to share that our friends at Astro are this year’s leader in highest framework growth and satisfaction according to the results from the 2023 State of Web Development report! Want to learn more about why web teams are choosing Astro as their framework of ...