Hi guys,I am new for programming. I made my first attempt to solve an heat equation by finite difference method and wrote a code for it in Matlab.I got a solution but i need help from you guys to (vectorize) increase the speed of my program. ((∂^2 T)/(∂x^2 )+(∂^2 ...
Knowledge of the atomic and molecular structure of solids and of the nature of the motion of the constituent particles makes it possible to explain observed phenomena, to predict as yet undiscovered properties of solids, to alter the structure of solids in a purposeful way, and to synthesize sol...
I was recently working on a problem of Griffiths and in the solution's manual it used an argument to solve a diffential equation that caught my attention. It said that it would look first to the steady state solution of the ODE. I tought "All right, I get that" but when I got to...
Three hypotheses were put forth to explain the failure of the plasmoid to translate. The first is that there was an inherent induction limit for the system which limited the current driven in the plasma to levels insufficient to form a plasmoid. The second is that the plasma had low electrica...
By using the laser rate equation model, it was shown that the laser is modulated due to the interference between a lasing field and a feedback field, in which the effective intensity modulation index is greatly pronounced in proportion to the fluorescence-to-photon lifetime ratio, which reaches...
In fact, as seen in Figure 2, the measured fusion cross-section is fitted well by the truncated summation of equation (1) as r 0P(EL /EcL)[{1 4(EL ErL)2 /L2}1 ] [57]. Figure 2. DT Fusion cross section as a function of deuterium energy ...