零膨胀负二项回归模型(Zero-Inflated Negative Binomial Regression Model)是一种广义线性模型,它建立在零膨胀负二项分布的基础上,通常用于分析计数型数据,可以解决数据分布严重偏斜、过多零值、离群值等问题。 1. 零膨胀负二项分布 零膨胀负二项分布是一种特殊的负二项分布,在计数型数据分析中广泛应用。零膨胀就...
零膨胀负二项回归(Zero-Inflated Negative Binomial Regression, ZINB)是一种用于处理计数数据中过多零值的统计模型。以下是在Stata中实现零膨胀负二项回归的相关内容: 1. 零膨胀负二项回归的概念和原理 零膨胀负二项回归结合了负二项回归和零膨胀模型的特点。负二项回归适用于处理过度分散的计数数据,而零膨胀模型...
13、胀回归模型实验基本原理实验基本原理当计数数据中含有大量的“0”值时,可以考虑使用“零膨胀泊松回归”(Zero-Inflated Poisson regression,简记ZIP)或“零膨胀负二项回归”(Zero-Inflated Negative Binomial regression,简记ZINB)。对零膨胀回归模型而言,估计是分两阶段进行的。首先,决定计数变量“取零”还是“取正...
zinb estimates Zero Inflated Negative Binomial models on count data. This model allows for "excess zeros" in count models under the assumption that the population is characterized by two regimes, one where members always have zero counts, and one where members have zero or positive counts. The ...
Hello all, The reference entries for zero-inflated poisson and negative binomial are quite scant (at least to me). I didn't find much either in the list archive or Stata Journal archives. There is an example on:http://www.ats.ucla.edu/stat/stata/output/Stata_zinb.htm.; The UCLA examp...
Stata软件操作教程 (2)
Zero-inflated Poisson Zero-inflated negative binomial Predict expected counts, incidence rates, and probabilities of counts Robust, cluster–robust, bootstrap, and jackknife standard errors Linear constraints Bayesian estimation Zero-inflated ordinal models Zero-inflated ordered logit Zero-inflated ...
zinb Zero-inflated negative binomial regression zinb postestimation Postestimation tools for zinb ziologit Zero-inflated ordered logit regression ziologit postestimation Postestimation tools for ziologit zioprobit Zero-inflated ordered probit regression zioprobit postestimation Postestimation tools for zioprobit...
Hardin, 2019, Modeling count data with marginalized zero-inflated distributions, Stata Journal, 19(4): 1021–1023. [pdf]Note: 助教招聘信息请进入「课程主页」查看。 因果推断-内生性 专题 ⌚ 2020.11.12-15 主讲:王存同 (中央财经大学);司继春(上海对外经贸大学) 课程主页:gitee.com/arlionn/YG | ...
The models available are Poisson, negative binomial, and binomial, and they can be fit in standard or zero-inflated form. I illustrate the command with an application to analysis of data from the UK Understanding Society survey on the demand for healthcare services. 文章10:intcount:用于从间隔...