经过不断的尝试,ZINB被证明是一种可以较好的描述scRNA-seq数据的模型,并且作为一些更advanced的模型的基础比如SAVER,scVI等。下面我们来看这个模型的细节。 1 Poisson Distribution 基于reads count数据的取值均为非负整数的特点,一个直观的想法就是用泊松分布来拟合scRNA-seq数据。泊松分布的定义如下: 这里X即为gene在...
Zero Inflated Negative Binomial for Modeling Heavy Vehicle Crash Rate on Indian Rural Highway. International Journal of Advances in Engineering & Technology, 2013.Sharma, A. K. and Landge, V. S. (2013). Zero Inflated Negative Binomial For Modeling Heavy Vehicle Crash Rate On Indian Rural High...
The zero-inflated negative binomial – Crack distribution: some properties and parameter estimation Zero-inflated models and estimation in zero-inflated Poisson distribution Count data and GLMs: choosing among Poisson, negative binomial, and zero-inflated models 干货再次,看完即可。 Lab 6: estimation Zer...
1992年,Lambert对于零和非零计数值,提出了混合分布模型——零膨胀泊松分布模型(zero-inflated poisson, ZIP),同时纳入协变量,应用于电子制造业中的质量控制(Lambert, 1992)。在此基础上,Greene将ZIP模型的思想应用到负二项分布,提出了零膨胀负二项模型(zero-inflated negative binomial, ZINB),并用BHHH方法估计模型参...
干货再次,看完即可。 Lab 6: estimation Zero-Inflated Negative Binomial Distribution Fitting a Model by Maximum Likelihood Likelihood theory, numerical methods, simulation methods 现在有数据了,知道它们服从这个分布,但是真的不知道怎么去拟合参数!!!
Zero-inflated models are useful for analyzing such data. Moreover, the non-zero observations may be over-dispersed in relation to the Poisson distribution, biasing parameter estimates and underestimating standard errors. In such a circumstance, a zero-inflated negative binomial (ZINB) model better ...
Even for independent count data, zero-inflated negative binomial (ZINB) and zero-inflated Poisson models have been de- veloped to model excessive zero counts in the data (Zeileis et al., 2008; Mwalili et al., 2008). Zero-inflated regression models consist of two regression models: a logist...
bayes: zinb — Bayesian zero-inflated negative binomial regression Description Remarks and examples Quick start Stored results Menu Methods and formulas Syntax Also see Description bayes: zinb fits a Bayesian zero-inflated negative binomial regression to a nonnegative count out- come with a high ...
zero-inflated negative binomial distributionIn this paper, we propose 3 new sampling plans, including resubmitted single sampling plan (RSSP), repetitive group sampling (RGS) plan, and multiple dependent state (MDS) sampling plan to study the zero-inflated negative binomial distribution in ...
这篇文章其实就说了一件事,droplet scRNA-seq 方法得到的数据中 0 的比例可以很好的被负二项(Negative Binomial)分布拟合,没有 zero-inflated。 结论 其实非常简单,首先根据数据拟合负二项分布,也就是得到负二项分布的参数(泊松过程同理)。这边使用了 CEL-seq 的数据,在 notebook 中可以看到其他方法的结果,为什...