使用Stata,设置设置面板数据的两个字段,报错: .xtset pac year repeated time values within panelr(451); 可见这两个字段是有重复项了,使用下面的命令查看问题所在 .duplicates list pac year 得到如下结果,可以看出是哪一行数据出现了问题 重复项 解决方法: 查看原始数据,筛选一下问题在哪,把原始数据中的重复项...
继而,我又找来用了drop相关命令,这下终于把“repeated time values within panel”的报错给消除了,命...
. xtset id time I get a report of repeated time values within panel r(451); What should I do next? Answer Panel data are defined by an identifier variable and a time variable. Each combination of identifier and time should occur, at most, once. That is, any such combination might appe...
原数据存在repeated time values within panel的问题,以及没有给出行业代码,这里进行调整: cd C:\Download\1-s2.0-S0140988325000362-mmc1 import exc "Data in brief", clear first destring *, replace ren sy Stkcd cd C:\Download duplicates drop Stkcd year, force merge 1:1 St y using 行业代码_202...
Then ran this to declare the data as panel following the guideline here xtset id date And I am receiving the following error: "repeated time values within panel" and I am not sure how to solve this because I believe in my case this is not problematic given that it's typical for soci...
repeated time values within panel 解决方法1 destring industry,replace duplicates report industry year duplicateslistindustry year duplicates drop industry year , force Duplicates in terms of industry year xtset industry year 导入面板数据时出现的问题2 ...
repeated time values within panel 1. 解决方法1 destring industry,replace duplicates report industry year duplicates list industry year duplicates drop industry year , force Duplicates in terms of industry year xtset industry year 1. 2. 3.
<hr/>每当我输入 xtset code year 就会出现 varlist: code: string variable not allowed 到底如何了 下面是我的数据varlist: code: string variable not allowed destring XXX, replace force <hr/>定义面板数据时,出现repeated time values within panel 是如何回事,如何解决?谢谢大家。 tsset tf...
Overall twoway options any options other than by()documented in[G-3]twoway options A panel variable and a time variable must be specified.Use xtset(see[XT]xtset)or specify the i()and t()options.The t()option allows noninteger values for the time variable,whereas xtset does not.1 ...
repeatedsurveyingofthesamepeopleovervariousyears,panelvarmightbepersonandtimevar,year. Whenyouspecifytimevar,youmaythenuseStata’stime-seriesoperatorssuchasL.andF.(lagand lead)inothercommands.Theoperatorswillbeinterpretedaslaggedandleadvalueswithinpanel. xtsetwithout arguments—xtset—displays how the data are ...