如果您使用了某些Stata命令或函数,例如 `regress`,它们可能要求输入一个被定义的变量。如果您没有定义这些变量,则会出现“not found”错误。如果您确定已经正确定义所有变量,也检查了所有Stata命令和函数的使用方法,但仍然遇到报错,请检查您程序代码中是否存在其他语法错误,这可能导致程序无法被正确执行。
放入控制变量序列、因变量(Y1)、工具变量(Z1)、自变量(X1)到指定位置: glctrls="lnSize BM ROA Leverage PPE CFO"foreachYofvarY1{foreachZofvarZ1{foreachXofvarX1{ivregress2sls`Y' $ctrls i.year i.ID_industry (`X'=`Z')estatfirststage}}} 得到结果 Instrumental variables 2SLS regression Numbe...
Possible causes: number of clusters insufficient to calculate robust covariance matrix singleton dummy variable (dummy with one 1 and N-1 0s or vice versa). partial option may address problem. 下面利用partial()选项筛除年份虚拟变量后回归,即可呈现 Hansen J 的检验结果。 ivreg2 lw s expr tenure ...
{text}the variable mpg has mean {result: 21.3} in the sample" display "{text}mpg {c |} {result}21.3" display "{text}mpg {c |} {result:21.3}" display "error: variable not found" display "{txt}the variable mpg has mean {res:21.3} in the sample" display "When using the {cmd:...
您好,我运行后也出现这个报错了,variable e not found 不知道哪里出错了 2023-05-16 回复喜欢查看全部 9 条回复 1 深圳南山小学数学考试太难延时 20 分钟,像在考语文,如何评价?复杂数学问题背后有多少是阅读理解问题? 1683 万热度 2 特斯拉中国推新款 Model Y,续航最高 719 公里,26.35 万元起售,...
X = independent variable a = 截距 (常数) b = 斜率 stata实现,reg income education coefficient(coef.)为斜率b _cons 为截距a 斜率b表示:x每增加一个单位,y的变化情况 b的检验,通过判定系数R²,R²表示,在y的所有差异中,由于x的变化所解释掉的比例。是对回归方程拟合优度的度量。该统计量越接近于...
display "error: variable not found" display "{txt}the variable mpg has mean {res:21.3} in the sample" display "When using the {cmd:summarize} command, specify" display "{cmdab:su:mmarize}[{it:varlist}][{it:weight}][{cmdab:if} {it:exp}]" ...
34、sic idea underlying logit models3.3 Estimating logit models 3.4 Multinomial models 3.5 Ordinal dependent variables3.6 Count data models3.7 Tobit models and interval regression3.8 Duration models3.1 Why not OLS? two statistical problems if we use OLS when the dependent variable is categorical:The pr...
If the specified levels are not contained ine(b), a similar error message as shown below will be given: . _ms_extract_varlist 6.rep78level 6 of factor rep78 not found in e(b) r(111); This command can replace loops where a manual check is done to see if the specified variable is...
=0), msg("for predictor `var' some specified periods are not found in panel timevar") rc(198) } /* now go an do averaging over xtime period for variable var */ local num_xtime : word count `xtime' /* Controls *** */ if `num_xtime'==1 { *If no variation in donor then sk...