c1,c2是啥啊,还是直接写 06-14· 山东 回复喜欢 池翊 已解决 06-14· 山东 回复喜欢 Xyz 有没有使用负二项分布模型的oneclick命令呢 04-03· 安徽 回复喜欢 如梦飞花 为什么我的是variable fix not found 03-27· 江西 回复喜欢 懒果儿 fe1 和fe2是什么啊? 03-11...
matchit的实现需要freqindex,有空研究下这个命令是干啥的 factor variable stata中对于交乘项和虚拟变量的设定方式可以在help factor variable中查看 stata的多进程性能评估 https://www.stata.com/statamp/statamp_20210611.pdf
•replace for replacing the values of an existing variable.It may not be abbreviated because it alters existing data and hence can be considered dangerous.The most basic form for creating new variables is generate newvar=exp,where exp is any kind of expression.Of course,both generate and ...
1.虚拟变量(Dummy Variable):对于一个分类变量,每个类别都可以被视为一个虚拟变量。在Stata中,你可以使用tabulate命令生成这些虚拟变量。例如: tabulate gender, generate(dummy) 这将在你的数据集中生成一个新的变量组,每个性别(例如,男性和女性)都有一个对应的虚拟变量。 2. 指示变量(Indicator Variable):指示变量...
display "error: variable not found" display "{txt}the variable mpg has mean {res:21.3} in the sample" display "When using the {cmd:summarize} command, specify" display "{cmdab:su:mmarize}[{it:varlist}][{it:weight}][{cmdab:if} {it:exp}]" ...
32 --- Variable Storage Display Value name type format label Variable label --- Stkcd long %10.0g 股票代码 year int %10.0g EndDate str10 %10s 统计截止日期 StateTypeCode str1 %9s
{text}the variable mpg has mean {result: 21.3} in the sample" display "{text}mpg {c |} {result}21.3" display "{text}mpg {c |} {result:21.3}" display "error: variable not found" display "{txt}the variable mpg has mean {res:21.3} in the sample" display "When using the {cmd:...
Some Stata commands, on the other hand, do not have such flexible syntaxes. ttest, for instance, performs a test of the mean for only a single variable: . summarize ch1 ch2 ch3 . ttest ch1=0 . ttest ch2=0 . ttest ch3=0 repeat allows commands such as ttest to be repeated: . ...
In contrast, values for the health variable have not been labelled: 4 . tabulate health Self-report | ed health | status | Freq. Percent Cum. ---+---1 | 46,934 35.10 35.10 2 | 41,175 30.79 65.90 3 | 30,730 22.98 88.88 4 | 10,356 7.75 96.62 5 | 4,515 3.38 100.00 ---+-...
\Program Files\Stata18\ado\base\_\_expression_to_variable.ado C:\Program Files\Stata18\ado\base\_\_faccovmatrix.class C:\Program Files\Stata18\ado\base\_\_factor_vars_reporting.idlg C:\Program Files\Stata18\ado\base\_\_factor_vars_reporting_pr.idlg C:\Program Files\Stata18\ado\base...