在使用reshape命令将宽表数据转换为长表数据时,如果是用字符而非数字区分不同变量的,则可能弹出“variable XXXXX contains all missing values”的提示,这个“全部为缺失值”的提示具有误导性,解决方法为在命令后添加string选项。 如图所示,需要将宽表转为长表,并将变量名称中i之后跟着的地区名称存储在新的名为“地区...
The variable recording body mass index, bmi, contains missing values. Thus we use multiple imputation to analyze the heart attack data. Using mi import ice to import multiply imputed data created by ice into miIf you want to transport multiply imputed data obtained previously from ice to mi, ...
If you wish to retain precision upon returning to Stata, be sure to pass in any variables that you wish to store as values for doubles. If you are dealing with strings, make sure that the Stata string variable is large enough for the string value that you pass it when using SF_sdata...
Imputing missing values. It is important to note that there is no one-size-fits-all solution to the problem of zero standard errors. The best approach will depend on the specific data set and the goals of the analysis. 中文回答: Stata中的标准误差可能为0,原因有很多,包括: 自变量存在完全共...
If your complete dataset has missing values, you may not find a statistical solution unless you impute the missing values or gather more data. In such a case, you can consider a coding solution to drop the offending variable. You can usedebug_contr_error2to identify the missing values and ...
请看看Stata对encode的说明:encode creates a new variable named newvar based on the string variable varname, creating, adding to, or just using (as necessary) the value label newvar or, if specified, name. Do not use encode if varname contains numbers that merely happen to be stored as ...
就destring _all,replace force 如何互换两列数据位置? 你指的是两个变量吗?若是 order weight, before(price) 每当我输入 xtset code year 就会出现 varlist: code: string variable not allowed 到底怎么了 下面是我的数据varlist: code: string variable not allowed ...
(Ifnotspecified,allvariablesarekept)Specifynameofnewvariabletomarkresultofmerge:DonotcopyvaluelabledefinitionfromfileDonotcopynotesfromfileReplacemissingdatainmemorywithdatafromfileReplacenonmissingdatainmemorywithdatafromfileDropobservationsindatasetondiskthatdonotmatch 第1、3、4项都与append命令下的选项相同;其它...
Just added to Stata 8 is label language, which allows you to create datasets that contain data, variable, and value labels in different languages. A dataset might contain one set of labels in English, another in German, and a third in Spanish. Or, a dataset might contain labels all in...
We specified the variable to get to report on where it contains missing values and how this affects the estimation sample. (output omitted ) From the output, we gather that there are 50 strata, each stratum contains two PSUs, the PSUs vary in size, and the tota mple size is 4,071...