在Stata中,“missing values generated”通常指的是在执行某些操作时,由于数据中的某些值不符合操作要求,导致这些值被自动标记为缺失值。以下是对这一问题的详细解答: 1. “missing values generated”在Stata中的含义 在Stata中,当你执行某些数学运算或数据转换时,如果输入数据包含无法参与该运算的值(例如,对数运算中...
. mvdecode v1, mv(-9) //将-9更改为缺失值 v1: 2 missing values generated . list +---+ | v1 v2 | |---| 1. | 7 -99 | 2. | . 10 | 3. | 8 -99 | 4. | . 10 | +---+ . mvdecode _all, mv(-9 -99) //全部定义为缺失值 v1: 2 missing values generated v2: 2...
手机版 我的知道 stata中出现missing values generated什么意思 搜索资料 我来答 分享 微信扫一扫 新浪微博 QQ空间 举报 浏览17 次 本地图片 图片链接 代码 提交回答 匿名 回答自动保存中为你推荐:特别推荐老年人谣言传播力超年轻人6倍!Why? 白岩松:中国人还是“饿”点好! 牛奶与钙片,哪个更补钙? 为什...
But the thing is after generating this new variable, stata returns (132 missing values generated). I tried to see where these missing values lie? but to my surprise, I cannot find them; even after su mydate if mydate>=. I get zero observations. So, I wonder: 1)what can be the ...
gsortallows you to get reverse sort order; see[D]gsort. The commandsort timeputs highest values last, whereasgsort −timeputs highest values first. It is as if you had generated a variable that wastimemultiplied by −1 and sorted on it, and, in fact, this is exactly whatgsortdoes...
Missing values arise routinely in real-world sequential (string) datasets due to: (1) imprecise data measurements; (2) flexible sequence modeling, such as
Missing values were generated under missing completely at random (MCAR) mechanism at 10%, 15%, 25%, and 35% rates of missingness using complete data of 24-h ambulatory diastolic blood pressure readings. The performance of the mean, Kalman filtering, linear, spline, and Stineman interpolations,...
Missing data can be grouped according to the missing data pattern, which describes which values are observed and which values are missing in the data matrix. From: Methods and Applications of Longitudinal Data Analysis, 2016 About this pageSet alert Discover other topics ...
Title misstable — Tabulate missing values stata.com Description Options Quick start Remarks and examples Menu Stored results Syntax Also see Description misstable makes tables that help you understand the pattern of missing values in your data. Quick start Tables with counts of missing values ...