1、Quarterly date from daily date 导入数据,查看数据 usedate.dtadesced 可以发现Date2 is a string date variable 然后进行转换 gen datevar=date(date2,"MDY", 2099)format datevar %tdgen quarterly = qofd(datevar)format quarterly %tq 2、Quarterly date from monthly date gen month = month(datevar...
use tostring2.dta, clear tostring date_pub,gen(date1) // 数字--》文字 1. 2. gen year = substr(date1, 1, 4) // 使用substr函数进行切割,取出前四位。从第一个字符开始,取四个字符 gen month = substr(date1, 5, 2) // 从第五个字符开始,取两个字符 gen day = substr(date1, 7, 2)...
18、到price2前面的$号消失,percent2后面的号消失dateprice price2 perce nt perce nt234861. 19991210$2,343.682343.6834%2. 20000708$7,233.447233.4486%d/注意到price2和percent2均变为数据值型变量double和byte *3.3.2数值型转化为字符型:tostringwebusetostri ng, clear/*该数据中年月日的数据类型不一样...
Re: st: MM/DD/YYYY string to stata date From: Abhimanyu Arora <abhimanyu.arora1987@gmail.com> Prev by Date: Re: st: Identifying first observation in each panel after regression Next by Date: Re: st: Matched Pairs, Treatment-Control, Interrupted Panel Study -- What Model will Work...
st: MM/DD/YYYY string to stata date From: Lars Folkestad <lfolkestad@health.sdu.dk> Prev by Date: RE: st: instrumenting Moving average variable Next by Date: RE: st: XML_TAB and Multicolumn Titles Previous by thread: st: MM/DD/YYYY string to stata date Next by thread: Re:...
From daily/monthly date variable to quarterly 1、Quarterly date from daily date 导入数据,查看数据 use date.dtadesced 可以发现Date2 is a string date variable 然后进行转换 gen datevar=date(date2,"MDY", 2099)format datevar %tdgen quarterly = qofd(datevar)format ...
How can I turn a string variable containing dates into a date variable Stata can recognize? How can I extract a portion of a string variable using regular expressions? Error messages How can I handle the matsize too small error? How can I handle the No Room to Add Observations error?
= 0 | mod(year, 400) == 0) gsort year -date bys year: replace week_num = week_num + 1 if _n == 1 bys year: replace week_num = week_num + 1 if _n == 2 & leapyear == 1 sort date gen week = string(year) + "-" + string(week_num) keep date week save "week_...
Stata数据管理—数据管理命令简介说明书 Title stata.com Data management—Introduction to data management commands Description References Also see Description This manual,called[D],documents Stata’s data management features.See Mitchell(2020)for additional information and examples on data management in Stata....
string ""125. 2厂“$2, 343. 68""I love you"“旺材是 24、条狗"注童前四个字符串均不相同,大小写是不一样的,有无空格及空格的位置不 同,都表示不同的字符审。对于"125. 27*这样的数值型的字符吊,可以用real () 函数或者destring命令转化成数值型变量。具体操作见3. 3. 1©323日期型变量在...