MAKEID: Stata module to create a unique ID for every observation in the dataset 207 Matlab programs by Hansen and T. Sargent 208 NNMATCH: Stata module to compute nearest-neighbor bias-corrected estimators 209 CODEBOOKOUT: Stata module to save codebook in MS excel format 210 MARKUPEST: Stata m...
6.保存合并后的数据集:使用save命令保存合并后的数据集。save merged_dataset.dta, replace 注意事项 ...
Next, save your dataset as a panel by selecting Statistics, Longitudinal / Panel data, Setup & Utilities, Declare dataset to be cross-sectionaltimeseries.Choose a variable that identifies the timedimension (year, in this example) and a variable thatidentifies the panel ID (ctry_dum, in this ...
Next, save your dataset as a panel by selecting Statistics, Longitudinal/Panel data. Setup&Utilities, Declare dataset to be cross-sectional tnne senes. Choose a vanable that identifies the tune dunension (yeai; in this example) and a variable that identifies tlie panel ID (cuy_duiiL ui tl...
* Save as tempfile andthenreimport original dataset tempfile dat2 save `dat2' import delimited using "", clear 内部合并 仅保留两个数据集中的匹配行。
[D]use Load Stata dataset [D]sysuse Use shipped dataset [D]webuse Use dataset from Stata website [D]save Save Stata dataset [D]describe Describe data in memory or in afile [D]codebook Describe data contents [D]inspect Display simple summary of data’s attributes [D]count Count ...
*read dataset use "D:\研究生课程\MAP 研究方法\20240327-Introduction to Stata\Introduction to Stata\intro_hs0.dta", clear ///, clear 软件中之前的其他数据文件,它将被清除,并用该文件重写 use intro_hs0, clear * Importing csv file import delimited "D:\研究生课程\MAP 研究方法\20240327-Introduc...
When we open the file corr.xlsx in Excel, the table below is displayed. Next let’s try a more involved example. Reload the auto dataset, and run a tabulation on the variable foreign. Because tabulate is not an estimation command, we use return list to see its stored results. ...
st: RE: How to trasfer a dataset from Stata to Excel? From: "Martin Weiss" <> st: RE: How to trasfer a dataset from Stata to Excel? From: "Martin Weiss" <> Prev by Date: st: RE: 3 Problems in Panel Data Analysis Next by Date: st:...
1 file(s) to be examined ...File psu.dta (Stata dataset)2 str# variables need translation ...