search** References: st: Save estimates in a data file From:Rafael Claro <>
《JNIS(中文版)》是神经介入专科影响力最高的国际期刊Journal of NeuroInterventional Surgery 《JNIS》(IF 3.925)的官方中文期刊,由中国医师协会神经介入专业委员会(CFITN)联合新媒体平台「卒中视界」与《JNIS》出版方BMJ中国版权合作,于2019年4...
componente rename estado estado407 save i_t407,replace I expect the saved database to have six variables (CODUSU, componente, nro_hogar, estado, pp10a, pp10d). But surprisigly for me, when i run the "save" command, Stata randomly (looks random for me at least) drop some of them!
True if the data source definition of the specified XML schema map is saved with the workbook. The default value is True. Read/write Boolean. C# Copia public bool SaveDataSourceDefinition { get; set; } Property Value Boolean Remarks XML features, except for saving files in the XML ...
descsave is an extension of describe, creating up to 2 output data sets. These are a Stata data file with 1 observation per variable and data on the descriptive attributes of each variable (name, storage type, format value label, variable label, and characteristics if specified), and also ...
SAVE TRANSLATEtranslates the active dataset into a file that can be used by other software applications. Supported formats are include Excel, dBASE , CSV, tab-delimited text files, SAS, Stata, SPSS/PC+ data files, and ODBC database sources. For ODBC database sources, it can also manipulate...
可以采用 Stata 5–13 格式,也可以同时采用 Intercooled 和 SE 格式(V7 或更高版本)写入数据。 以Stata 5 格式保存的数据文件可以由 Stata 4 读取。 变量标签的前 80 个字节保存为 Stata 变量标签。 对于Stata R4 - R8,数字变量的值标签的前 80 个字节保存为 Stata 值标签。对于 Stata R9 或更高版本,...
DataProtection Windows.Security.DataProtection Windows.Security.EnterpriseData Windows.Security.ExchangeActiveSyncProvisioning Windows.Security.Isolation Windows.Services.Cortana Windows.Services.Maps Windows.Services.Maps.Guidance Windows.Services.Maps.LocalSearch Windows.Services.Maps.OfflineMaps Windows.Services.Sto...
CB2HTML: Stata module to write a codebook to an HTML file This command writes a codebook to a file in html format for the variables specified or, if no variables are specified, all the variables in the data in mem... P Bardsley - Boston College Department of Economics 被引量: 0发表:...
If you haven't used the fields of ITAB to designed the table control, you need an abap code to move the data from table control to ITAB: ITAB-FIELD1 = ... ... If you have used the fields of ITAB, you need only this statament MODIFY ITAB INDEX <TABLE C...