Missing values may occur in blocks of two or more. Suppose you want to replace missings by the previous nonmissing value, whenever it occurred, so that given _n myvar 1 42 2 . 3 . 4 56 5 67 6 78 you want toreplacenot onlymyvar[2], but alsomyvar[3]with 42. ...
Carryforward data for a limited number of rows - Statalist carryforward——填充缺失值| Stata-Club 李春涛:Post 命令处理股本变动 CARRYFORWARD: Stata module to carry forward previous observations How can I replace missing values with previous or following nonmissing values or within sequences? 相关课...
一般情况下可以分为两种:一种方法是通过一个覆盖全局的掩码表示缺失值, 另一种方法是用一个标签值(...
假设需要将文本值 "A" 替换为二进制代码 1,将文本值 "B" 替换为二进制代码 0。 使用generate 命令创建一个新的二进制变量,命名为 newvar,并将其初始化为缺失值(missing values)。例如,可以使用命令 generate newvar = . 创建新变量。 使用replace 命令将特定文本值替换为相应的二进制代码。例如,可以使用命令...
carryforward id year, replace 4.3 广义缺失值 carryforward x ,gen(x1) carryforward y ,gen(y1) carryforward x ,gen(x2) extmiss carryforward y ,gen(y2) extmiss * extmiss 选项指定 extended missing values (.a, .b, etc.) 为实际数值 ...
; in particular, this is the way cumulative sums are calculated usingsum(). More generally, Stata always works in this direction unless otherwise stipulated. For other applications of that principle, see the FAQHow can I replace missing values with previous or following nonmissing values?
* 1 单期 DID local treat_province2010 = "广东省, 广西壮族自治区, 上海市, 北京市, 山西省" // 随便打打 inlist2 province, values(`treat_province2010') name(Treat) // inlist2 需要外部安装 replace Treat = 0 if Treat == . gen Post = (year >= 2010) gen DID = Treat * Post * ...
replace x=if (()<0.5)*output cut Structural equation model Numberofobs=10000Estimationmethod=mlmv Log likelihood=-25495.152---|OIM|Coef. Std. Err. z P>|z|[95%Conf.Interval]---+---Structural|y<-|x|.9985166.0093366106.950.000.98021731.016816_cons|-.0092478.0158659-0.580.560-.0403445.0218488-...
指令如下:generatetotal=read+write+math止匕外,若是我们想加总的分数是read、write和socst,而非read、write和math,此时的指令输入如下:replacetotal=read+write+socst另一方面,我们还可以将变量total表示成以等级(A、B、CDand日的形式。指令如下:generategrade=totalrecode 18、grade0/80=080/110=1110/140=2140/...
25、pply a label to a data setorder Order the variables in a data setlabel variableApply a label to a variablegenerateCreates a new variablereplaceReplaces one value with another valuerecodeRecode the values of a variableLabel valuesApply value labels to a variablelabel defineDefine a set of...