ellip mpg weight, by(foreign, total legend(off)) total tlabel(Total as a by-group) plot(scatter mpg weight)grcomb组合相同类型的多个图 开发者Alex Gamma alex.gamma@uzh.ch示例*安装 ssc install grcomb *导入1978年汽车交易的数据 sysuse auto, clear *同时显示汽车价格、里程数、维修记录及发动机排量...
scatter wage tenure,title("Graph produced by Scatter") name(plot1) binscatter wage tenure *二次拟合 binscatter wage tenure, line(qfit) xscale(range(0,25)) xlabel(0(5)25) ylabel(0(10)40) yscale(range(0,40)) title("Graph produced by Binscatter") name(plot2) gr...
statplot marriage divorce, over(region) s(sum) xpose stripplot 绘制航线图 开发者 Nicholas J. Cox 示例 *安装 ssc install stripplot *导入血压数据 sysuse bplong, clear egen group = group(age sex), label *绘制航线图 stripplot bp*, bar over(when) by(group, compact c...
[graph] twoway plot [if] [in] [, twoway_options] 其中,“ plot ” 代表某类具体的图形。下图是 twoway 家族的所有成员(图3),图2只展示了部分常用的图形类型。" [ ] " 表示代码中可以省略的部分。虽然可以省略,但这部分却是掌握绘图命令的核心。选择合适的绘图类型(plottype)只能保证画“对”图,无法...
. marginsplot, by(_predict, label("Out of labor force""Unemployed""Employed")) /// > byopts(rows(1) title("Marginal probabilities of employment status")) /// > legend(order(4"Child under 5 at home"3"No child under 5 at home")) ...
plotregion(margin(sides)) /// scheme(s1mono) /// legend(off) 注:tin命令是选择时间跨度的函数,全名为Selecting time-span functions,基本语法结构为tin(d1, d2),其中d1和d2分别指定两个时间点。 <hr/>目的是将ID==0的数据进行回归,然后取得该回归系数然后代入到ID==1的样本中,估计残差 能否...
2.vplot 3.compress 4.codebook 5.Anything by N Cox 1.char 2.extended_fcn 3.meglm 4.twoway 5.program 1.reshape 2.foreach/forval 3.collapse 4.local/global 5.tempfile/tempvar 1.reghdfe 2.gcollapse 3.greshape 5.ta 1.svyset 2.predict 3.scatter 4.collapse 5.outreg 1.stco...
R:plot x y 20、列出所有数据 Stata:list R:mydata 第一部分:普林斯顿大学:R-Stata数据探索入门 来源: 第二部分:Stata++R命令对比表 来源: 下表提供了Stata命令到R的一些快速转换,因为R支持多个数据集,所以在使用数据访...
Estimate effects of covariates on quantiles of the outcome's conditional distribution. Account for endogeneity. Plot coefficients across quantiles. IV fractional probit model Modeling a proportion or rate? Have endogenous covariates? Fit your model withivfprobit. ...