keep if filter == 1 //删除重复值 //将重复的代码删去,与公司代码多对1合并,确保公司整体任何年份都ST都被删去 *单变量 bys symbol year: gen filter=_n //对相同id的数据从1到最后一条编号 keep if filter == 1 *多变量 sort date symbol by date symbol : gen set=_n //证券代码和date相同则...
每当我输入 xtset code year 就会出现 varlist: code: string variable not allowed 到底怎么了 下面是我的数据varlist: code: string variable not allowed destring XXX, replace force 定义面板数据时,出现repeated time values within panel 是怎么回事,如何解决?谢谢大家。 tsset tfp year repeated time values ...
<hr/>每当我输入 xtset code year 就会出现 varlist: code: string variable not allowed 到底如何了 下面是我的数据varlist: code: string variable not allowed destring XXX, replace force <hr/>定义面板数据时,出现repeated time values within panel 是如何回事,如何解决?谢谢大家。 tsset tf...
Stata 日志文件操作指南说明书。 其中发现了有几个问题,写出来以便以后再犯。首先,因为我需要地图显示各个省份的英文名字,所以我需要对英文名字进行更改。此处参考人大经济论坛的帖子里对于中文名字部分的更改。
Furthermore, dstdize is not an estimation command, so test and the other postestimation commands are not available. Technical note The values in the variable supplied to the stdweight() option are normalized so that (1) is true; see Methods and formulas. Thus the stdweight() variable can ...
You would want to give an error message if factor variables are not allowed in the dependent variable. Instead of creating your own error message, you can use the Stata’s default error message. Consider the following: program cmd1, rclass syntax varlist(fv ts) [if] [in] , [*] local...
Saving the output is done viamatainstead ofr(). No matrices are saved inr()and optionsaveis not allowed. However, optionmatasavesaves the output andby()info inGstatsOutput(the object can be named viamatasave(name)). Seemata GstatsOutput.desc()aftergstats tab, matasavefor details. ...
In point of fact, you do not need these macros because of other cw utilities. While you can load data sets with use, cw use provides a better alternative. The syntax is cw use filename Note the absence of a clear option—it is assumed. cw use looks in the following places for file...
All commands exclude missing items for a given observation from the likelihood calculation but keep the nonmissing items for that observation. If you wish to remove the entire observation from the model, add the option at estimation time. irt — Introduction to IRT models 13 We fit a GRM ...