试着去掉逗号 ;这个仅仅定义id>=20 ,其他的id也需要定义吧,可以在 后面 打 then if id<20 ...
semis assuming thatPriceis a latent variable; if that was the case, the model wouldn't be identified. We need to add the optionnocapslatent, sosemwill treat all variables as observed by default. When thenocapslatentoption is present, thelatent()option can be used to tell Stata which variab...
I would like to "force" the model to run, even if imprecise, to roughly see the estimates of the model. I was told to use "asis" option, but this appears to be incompatible with stcox (option asis not allowed). I'm using Stata64 10.1 on an iMac. Kind regards, -Andy -- Andrew...
FreshLoginWithMfa = 4 Force the user to login again with mfa. <remarks> Ignore current authentication state and force the user to authenticate again. This option should be used instead of Login, if MFA is required. </remarks>Commenti e suggerimenti Questa pagina è stata utile? Sì No It...
anywhere, if we do, the first part is the varlist, if not it is the tablenameboolhasUsing = hasKeyword(words,"using");// if it contains using somewhere we can start with variables (if missing it will be an empty string, if the list is there it will be expected)if( !hasUsing )...
The only way to identify infants was if their mothers’ information was included in the register, because of this, we may have missed some poorly documented EID tests. According to program managers, often infants are brought to the facility by another care giver (e.g.: grandmother), who ...
youmaynotlookatthequestionsuntilafterthefirstreading.Theinvigilator willtellyouwhenyouareallowedtolookatthequestions,whichareprintedon thereverseofthispage.FIVEminuteswillthenbeallowed.Thepassagewill thenbereadforasecondtime,afterwhichyoumaybegintowriteyour ...
试着去掉逗号 ;这个仅仅定义id>=20 ,其他的id也需要定义吧,可以在 后面 打 then if id<20
Re: st: option noomit not allowed From: Nick Cox <njcoxstata@gmail.com> Prev by Date: st: Frailty gamma or inv gaussian distribution Next by Date: st: newey v.s. ivregress 2sls, vce(hac nw) Previous by thread: Re: st: option noomit not allowed Next by thread: st: R: ...