【describe,short】:只看整个数据集的总体概况,即截图显示的上半部分。 【count】:number of rows 【count if missing() 】:设置条件 【isid()】:check if an variableuniquely id entifies the data.检查变量是否唯一标识数据,相当于判断主属性。 【unique】先安装,指令【ssc install unique】 重复值数据量(...
x1表示Predictor variable(s) Number of obs 表示Total number of cases (rows) Number of groups Total number of groups (entities) F(1,62) = 5.00,Prob > F如果这个数字< 0.05,那么您的模型就可以了。这是一个检验(F),看看模型中的所有系数是否都不为零。 corr(u_i, Xb) = -0.5468 表示ui与解释...
x1表示Predictor variable(s) Number of obs 表示Total number of cases (rows) Number of groups Total number of groups (entities) F(1,62) = 5.00,Prob > F如果这个数字< 0.05,那么您的模型就可以了。这是一个检验(F),看看模型中的所有系数是否都不为零。 corr...
How can I “fill down”/expand observations with respect to a time Carryforward data for a limited number of rows - Statalist carryforward——填充缺失值| Stata-Club 李春涛:Post 命令处理股本变动 CARRYFORWARD: Stata module to carry forward previous observations How can I replace missing values wi...
All of the same functionality, and more, is provided in Mata too. Mata is included with Stata. Determinant of matrix Trace of matrix Number of rows of matrix Number of columns of matrix Number of zeros on diagonal of matrix Floor of matrix element Check if matrix is symmetric Check for ...
warning("Sample size is larger than the number of rows in the data frame.") } else { print(data) } # 使用OLS进行回归分析 model <- lm(mpg ~ wt + disp, data = data) summary(model) # 计算聚类标准误 kmeans_result <- kmeans(data[, c("wt", "disp")], centers = 3) ...
1 一个简单的例子 carryforward x, gen(y) // 按顺序用 **x** 的非空前值填充 **y** 的缺失值 --- x y --- 12 12 4 4 . 4 . 4 . 4 3 3 . 3 7 7 . 7 . 7 --- 如果不使用carryforward命令,你可以借助系统变量_n,但效率低且易出错 2 下载安装 ssc install carryforward,...
stata 19997-50技术促进用户之间交流物副数据初级stb50.pdf,STATA July 1999 TECHNICAL STB-50 BULLETIN A publication to promote communication among Stata users Editor Associate Editors H. Joseph Newton Nicholas J. Cox, University of Durham Department of Stati
statistic is calculated by summing the squared differences between the observed and expected frequencies for each cell, divided by the expected frequency.This sum is then compared to a chi-square distribution with degrees of freedom equal to (number of rows 1) multiplied by (number of columns 1...
static String getMataEltype(String name) Get the type of a Mata object. static double getMataRealAt(String name, long row, long col) Read a real Mata matrix element. static long getMataRowTotal(String name) Get the number of rows in a Mata matrix. static String getMataStringAt(String ...