Dynamic panel-data estimation, two-step system GMM --- Group variable: Code Number of obs = 210 Time variable : Year Number of groups = 30 Number of instruments = 32 Obs per group: min = 7 Wald chi2(15) = 145721.79 avg = 7.00 Prob > chi2 = 0.000 max = 7 ---...
200 Group variable: city Number of groups = 280 R-squared: Obs per group: Wit...
putexcel F1=(“Number of obs”) G1=(e(N)) putexcel F2=(“F”) G2=(e(F)) putexcel F3=(“Prob > F”) G3=(Ftail(e(df_m), e(df_r),e(F))) putexcel F4=(“R-squared”) G4=(e(r2)) putexcel F5=(“Adj R-squared”) G5=(e(r2_a)) putexcel F6=(“Root MSE”) G6...
note: grade omitted because of collinearity. note: 2.race omitted because of collinearity. Fixed-effects (within) regression Number of obs = 28,091 Group variable: idcode Number of groups = 4,697 R-squared: Obs per group: Within = 0.1727 min = 1 Between = 0.3505 avg = 6.0 Overall = ...
*输出回归中的各个结果 sysuse auto.dta, clear regress price turn gear putexcel set "results.xls", sheet("regress resutls") putexcel F1=("Number of obs") G1=(e(N)) putexcel F2=("F") G2=(e(F)) putexcel F3=("Prob > F") G3=(Ftail(e(df_m), e(df_r),e(F))) putexcel F4...
Random-effectsGLS regression Number of obs = 28,091Groupvariable: idcode Number of groups = 4,697 R-sq:Obs per group:within=0.1715 min = 1between=0.4784 avg = 6.0overall=0.3708 max = 15 Waldchi2(10) = 9244.74corr(u_i,X) = 0 (assumed) Prob > chi2 = 0.0000 ...
25、ource | SS df MS Number of obs = 123-+- F( 0, 122) = 0.00 Model | 0 0 . Prob F = . Residual | .02521709 122 .000206697 R-squared = 0.0000-+- Adj R-squared = 0.0000 Total | .02521709 122 .000206697 Root MSE = .01438- D.ln_wpi | Coef. Std. Err. t P|t| 95%...
com/data/r17/auto, clear histogram mpg //mpg would be treated as continuous and categorized into eight bins by the default number-of-bins calculation (here N=74) graph save "$figures\histo_discrete01", replace histogram mpg, discrete //Adding the discrete option makes a histogram with a ...
tabulate code if x1==极端值(作出x1等于极端值时code的频数分布表,code表示地区、年份等序列变量,这样便可找出那些地区的数值出现了错误) list code if x1==极端值(直接列出x1等于极端值时code的值,当x1的错误过多时,不建议使用该命令) list in -20/l(l表示last one,-20表示倒数第20个样本,该命令列出了...
stata中autocode的应用,为什么后面的最大值最小值是1和25, generate number1=autocode(number,3,1,25) 分成三个标志区间... 分成三个标志区间 展开 我来答 分享 微信扫一扫 新浪微博 QQ空间 举报 可选中1个或多个下面的关键词,搜索相关资料。也可直接点“搜索资料”搜索整个问题。 stata number1 ...