graph bar, over(变量名) //纵轴百分比,横轴分类 二维: graph twoway bar y轴变量 x 轴变量 //柱状图 4.饼图 graph pie, over(变量名) //画饼图 5.折线图 twoway line y轴变量 x轴变量 在后面可加: lcolor(颜色) //设置线颜色,中间空格。例如red blue lpattern(线的种类) //solid实线、dash虚线...
功能方面。Stata 的绘图功能主要通过绘图语法(Syntax)及其绘图编辑器(Graph Editor)得以实现。其中,Stata 的绘图语法以 graph 命令开头,包括绘制各类图形的绘图命令(graph commands)以及图形画好后用来删除、读取或多图合并的绘图管理命令(graph management commands)。下表简要列举了两类命令。 绘图命令(graph commands) ...
cuts(199)replaceby(year)gpolicy=year-timegy=TFPtabpolicygpilot=0replacepilot=1if(Prvn=="Beijing")|(Prvn=="Tianjin")|(Prvn=="Shanghai")|(Prvn=="Hubei")|(Prvn=="Shenzhen")|(Prvn=="Guangdong")forvi=6(-1)1{gpre_`i' = (policy == -`i'&pilot==1)}gcurrent=(policy==0&pilot...
18、, box by(prgtype) 此外,利用correlate或是pwcorr可以得到相关矩阵;亦可利用graph划出散布图。correlate write read sciencepwcorr write read science, obsgraph write read, twowaygraph write read, two jitter(2)(two是twoway的簡稱,jitter是用來區分重疊的觀察點)graph write read, two jitter(2) boxgrap...
Stata technical support is free to registered users of the current release (Stata 18). We have a dedicated staff of expert Stata programmers and statisticians to answer your technical questions. From tricky data management solutions to getting your graph looking just right and from explaining a rob...
replace current=1iftreat==1&distance==0 *回归法进行平行趋势检验: xtreg y d_4-d5 i.year控制变量,fe r//小tips:“d_4-d5”会被Stata识别为“d_4 d_3 d_2 d_1 d1 d2 d3 d4 d5”,不用手拖这些变量。 *判别方法:若d_4 d_3 d_2 d_1均不显著,则表明平行趋势假设成立。
史上最全的 Stata 外部命令一览,可以在线查看帮助文件。 Source:Archive of user-written Stata packages 导言 这里汇集了截至 2015年1月1日 为止的所有 Stata 外部命令。可以在线查看每个外部命令的帮助文件。 对于感兴趣的命令,可以使用findit在 Stata 命令窗口中搜索后下载,亦可直接使用ssc install命令直接下载。
Graph Editor:When you draw a graph in Stata, it opens in a separate window known as theGraph window. From there you can print the graph, copy it to the clipboard, and export it to formats such as PDF, EPS, PNG, SVG, and TIFF. You can click on a button which transforms the Graph...
kpss m,notrend //KPSS检验 ECM单位根检验 reg m s g estimates store model1 predict ecm,residual reg d.m d.s d.g ecm //ECM模型 VAR模型 varsoc m s g ,maxlag(5) var m s g ,lags(1/4) varstable,graph vargranger irf create myrif,set(myrif) replace ...