ifnotargs.noprint: ifargs.graph: ifnotlen(out)<5: print(out) ifre.search('could not find Graph window',out,flags=re.I)isNone: returnIFrame('./temp_graph.pdf',width=700,height=400) else: print('\nNo graph displayed, could not find one generated in this cell.') ...
For Stata datasets with characters not encoded in UTF-8 or for bulk conversion of multiple Stata files, you should use the unicode translate command. Editing tip: You can split the Do-file Editor window vertically by clicking on the Split window button in the status bar . This is useful ...
I know this either interests you or does not, and if it does not, there will be no changing your mind. It interests me, and what makes the new feature spectacular is how easy models are to specify and how readable the code is afterwards. You could almost teach from it. If this inter...
If you decide that you would like to use some of the ancillary files—files that typically help explain the workings of the command, you could download those, too. You do not need to worry—doing so will not interfere in any way with your copy of Stata. We will show you how to ...
I know this either interests you or does not, and if it does not, there will be no changing your mind. It interests me, and what makes the new feature spectacular is how easy models are to specify and how readable the code is afterwards. You could almost teach from it. If this inter...
To obtain the latest version through github, from the main window in Stata, run: net describe ritest, from(https://raw.githubusercontent.com/simonheb/ritest/master/) If the download from within Stata fails (e.g. because you are behind a firewall),you can always download the files direc...
Although eq has various syntaxes, the best for storing hypotheses is eq eqname: exp = exp You may double the equals sign if you wish: eq eqname: exp == exp The algebraic form in which you specify the constraint does not matter; you could type . eq mult: _b mpg]*_b weight] = ...
Anyway, this could be a dissertation topic for some grad student but this seems like an obvious mesearch trap and I am always of the opinion that research is not worth doing if it only says “case X (which I care about for reasons other than theory) fits theory Y.” Rather, research...
This is my first time here, so forgive me if this is out of place or could be improved. Here is source code for simple syntax highlighting in Stata 11. It is a bit rudimentary, but it is a start. Comments and suggestion…
For instance, we might define the class in the file : begin end The above file does not create anything. It merely defines the concept of a “coordinate”. Now that the file exists, however, you could create a “scalar” variable of type by typing is called an instance of...