StataCorp reserves the right to terminate access to the Site for any reason, and StataCorp reserves the right to take any other actions StataCorp believes are in its interest or the interest of its customers and users. By using this Site, you signify your assent to these Terms. If you do...
拓展:行业代码 cd C:\Download use Fundamentals_Annual, clear keep GVKEY SIC drop if mi(G,S) duplicates drop tostring S, replace replace S = "0"+S if length(S) < 4 g SIC1 = substr(SIC,1,1) g SIC2 = substr(SIC,1,2) g SIC3 = substr(SIC,1,3) destring *, replace la var ...
then it is still a filter, but you are filtering in either all or none of the observations. See more information. Here it might be better to use anifstatement, which will be explained later. ...
by Maarten L. Buis S456905 IFIN: Stata module to generate a local containing an if statement to select multiple values by Ari Friedman S456904 TOUCH: Stata module to create a blank data file by Ari Friedman S456903 INTEFF3: Stata module to compute partial effects in a probit or logit mod...
3.Anapparentconditionofthesystem:Thiscanbethepresentvalueofastatevariableor(iftherearedelaysintheinformation fluxes)thevaluesofthatstatevariableinaprevioustime.Inanycase,theapparentconditionsofthesystem(notthereal conditions)determheratevalues.Forexample,inaprey-predatorecologicalsystem,thebirthrateofpredatorisa...
1.1.2Fixed the issue that data sanity checks were applied to the full sample, even if an [if] or [in]-statement was used to restrict the analysis to a subsample. h/t Fred Finan 1.1.0Added an option (fixlevels()) to constrain re-randomization to certain values of the treatment variabl...
Unfortunately, the statement of the hypothesis in the test results uses temporary variables so the names are not interpretable; however, the command shows the names, and you can always use signrank also if you want. 30 Stata Technical Bulletin STB-29 Example This example uses the data from ...
Actually, no one is expected to score 4.92 on a 9-item test, so a more realistic statement is that we expect above-average individuals to score above 4. 50 irt 2pl — Two-parameter logistic model Using the 95% critical values from the standard normal distribution (1.96 and 1.96), this...
S456905 IFIN: Stata module to generate a local containing an if statement to select multiple values byAri Friedman S456904 TOUCH: Stata module to create a blank data file byAri Friedman S456903 INTEFF3: Stata module to compute partial effects in a probit or logit model with a triple dummy...
. forvalues i = 1/6 { . capture assert strpos(spkg1, "`i'") == 0 . if _rc { . generate q1_`i' = strpos(spkg1, "`i'") > 0 . } . } What is going on here? Any statement tested byassertwill yield a so-called return code that is zero if the statement is true for ...