与Stata 类似,在 Mata 中可以使用if...else来进行条件判断;不同的是,Mata 中有特殊的三元条件运算符a ? b : c 3.5.1 if...else if...else语法结构如下: if (exp) statement //或者 if (exp) statement1 else statement2 //或者 if (exp1) { statement1 } else { statement2 } if (exp1) {...
> ost 80 characters. (line 25): After declaring for loop statement or if-else statement, add indentation (4 whitespaces). (line 25): Always explicitly specify the condition in the if statement. (For example, declare "if var > == 1" instead of "if var".) ... 3.2 更正 如果要更正 ...
The if command evaluates exp. If the result is true (nonzero), the commands inside the braces are executed. If the result is false (zero), those statements are ignored, and the statement (or statements if enclosed in braces) following the else is executed. *synax if exp { or if exp ...
Anifstatement can optionally be followed by anelsestatement. (But, theifqualifier does not have a correspondingelsepart. Although for assigning values, there is something analagous in thecond()function, which will be described below.) Finally, and this is key to understanding the distinction betwe...
Example of an if-then statement: if var1 = 123456 then var2 = 1; The condition follows the command: replace var2 = 1 if var1 == 123456 Notice that Stata requires two equals signs when testing equality. Example of an if-then do loop: if age <= 10 ...
First, I added double quotes on the surmise that you want to compare strings directly. If you want something else, please explain. Second, a statement like display(message_one) would work if and only ifmessage_onewere a predefined variable (in which case you would see a display of ...
Example of an if-then statement: if var1 = 123456 then var2 = 1; The condition follows the command: replace var2 = 1 if var1 == 123456 Notice that Stata requires two equals signs when testing equality.Example of an if-then do loop: if age <= 10 then do; child = 1; parent = ...
if [ ! "$islothere" -o ! "isrothere" ];then # Either the route or the lo:0 device # not found. echo "LVS-DR real server Stopped." else echo "LVS-DR real server Running." fi ;; *) # Invalid entry. echo "$0: Usage: $0 {start|status|stop}" ...
. replace record =...if missing(record) A key point here is that thereplacestatement will implement the loop in the algorithm previously given, asreplacefollows the current sort order. We just need to fill in the dots (...) in the command above. The dots will be a Stata translation of...
\ \nDuplicates appended with location.') newestcols = [] suffix = 0 for i in newcols: if newcols.count(i) > 1: newestcols.append(i + str(suffix)) else: newestcols.append(i) suffix += 1 return(newestcols) else: return(newcols) # Using the above functions. df.columns = clean_...