例如,假设你有一个字符串变量“string_var”,其中包含“male”和“female”两个值,你可以使用以下命令将其转换为数值变量: ```stata egen numeric_var = group(string_var) ``` 这将创建一个新的名为“numeric_var”的变量,并将“string_var”的值根据分类进行编码。 以上是一些常见的处理字符串变量的方法,...
string variables not allowed in varlist; id is a string variable r(109); 变量属性 egen iid=group(id) egen year=group( 会计期间 ) xtset iid year 时间变量中有重复 duplicates drop id year, force 6.差分gen DLX=DL.x前先sort一下 7.取绝对值gen xx=abs(xx) 8.缩尾处理 ssc installwinsor2...
tabstat F, by(y) s(N mean sd min p25 p50 p75 max) c(s) Summary for variables: FGII_ratio Group variable: year year | N Mean SD Min p25 p50 p75 Max ---+--- 2003 | 41 .0061002 .006071 .00064 .0016 .00535 .0074 .0315 2004 | 61 .0116093 .0194931 .00044 .0033 .0055 ....
groupID(statefip) /// subexpVar(sub_exp) * Summarize by sub_exp:sum stack_weight if treat == 0 & event_time == 0 得到权重后,我们可以利用堆叠数据集来跑堆叠回归,得到总的ACA处理效应: // Estimate the stacked regression // Create dummy variables for event-time char event_time[omit] -1...
3、a create or change variables生成变量的窗口data create or change variables create new variable基本命令stata有四个基本的生成和修改变量的命令:gen、egen、replace和recode . gen和egen分别是generate和extended generate的缩写,它们用于生成新变量 . replace和recode用来改变现存变量的属性或数值 . replace需要与ge...
* Grouped correlation of variables generate group_corr = corrname1 + " - " + corrname2 compress * Sort the plot sort corr, stable generate rank_corr = _n labmask rank_corr, values(group_corr) * Plotting * Run the commands ahead in one go if you have reached this point in breaks ...
S458761 MAP: Stata module to map string variables using an external dictionary file byDaniel Alves Fernandes S458760 GHSURV: Stata module for the estimation of survival model using repeated cross-sectional data byFernando Rios-Avila S458759 IVREG_SS: Stata module to compute confidence intervals, st...
How would this be extended to identifying groups that differ on at least one of two or more variables? One way would be to useegen. For example,egen, group()could be used to group values according to one or more variables, and then the same method could be used on the resulting variab...
Warning: If you have more than 67,784 unique values of the string variables that you are encoding, encode will complain. If that is the case, then you can use . egen nb = group(b) which will generate a numeric variable nb that does not have value labels. ...
The commands here are also faster than the commands provided byftools; further,gtoolscommands take a mix of string and numeric variables, which is a limitation offtools. (Note I could not get several parts offtoolsworking on the Linux server where I have access to Stata/MP; hence the IC ...