方法一:使用管理员权限打开stata,无效则尝试方法二。方法二:在stata中输入:mkdir C:/results cd C:...
I have opened Stata as an administrator and run the do-file I have moved the input files around to different areas where administrator access is not necessary. I have temporarily disabled my antivirus software while running the do-file Solution 2 As a simple solution, make a directory in C ...
). I am building up a data set using a collapse statement and repeatedly saving to the same file. The problem is that when I run the d0-file as a whole I get a "could not be opened r(603)" statement - this happens semi randomly through the sequence of file saves (example code ...
st: re: STATA error r(603) File could not be opened From"Mendis, Agampodi S.J." <asjm2@leicester.ac.uk> To"statalist@hsphsun2.harvard.edu" <statalist@hsphsun2.harvard.edu> Subjectst: re: STATA error r(603) File could not be opened DateThu, 10 Jan 2013 16:30:36 +0000...
求大神指导stata出现file test.rtf could not be opened怎么办 只看楼主 收藏 回复 beijinglvke 托儿所 1 输入的命令是这个esttab using test.rtf cherish1341 初二年级 11 应该是esttab xxx using test.rtf吧……xxx是你保存的模型,你漏了??登录百度帐号 下次自动登录 忘记密码? 扫二维码下载贴吧客户端 ...
The commands here are also faster than the commands provided byftools; further,gtoolscommands take a mix of string and numeric variables, which is a limitation offtools. (Note I could not get several parts offtoolsworking on the Linux server where I have access to Stata/MP; hence the IC ...
Is your latest export saved with exactly that name? If not, either rename the export file or fix your Stata .do file, then try again. If you're exporting data from your server console and saving it with your web browser, the browser might add a suffix like "(1)" or "(2)" to ...
Once you have saved your data as a Stata data file, you can simply open and use this version of your data.3 Stata 12 (but not the previous versions) offers another method for bringing data from an Excel file into Stata that may be even slightly quicker. After opening Stata, click on ...
The data allow us to make some guesses at the values in the dataset,but,for example,we do not know the units in which the price or weight is measured,and the term“mpg”could be confusing for people outside the United States.Perhaps we can learn something from the description of the ...