在Stata中遇到“file could not be loaded”的错误时,可能由多种原因引起。以下是一些常见的原因及其解决方案: 文件格式不正确: 确保你的文件是一个有效的Excel文件,并且格式是.xlsx或.xls。Stata不支持其他格式的Excel文件。 示例代码(检查文件格式): stata import excel "path/to/your/file.xlsx", clear 文...
print("Exception has occured. File could not be loaded. (Note, Pandas needs to be 0.17.x or higher.)") ifnotargs.noprint: ifargs.graph: ifnotlen(out)<5: print(out) ifre.search('could not find Graph window',out,flags=re.I)isNone: ...
When I attempt to import it into Stata 12 with this >> command: >> >> import excel "finances.xlsm", sheet("Budget") firstrow clear >> >> it returns an r(603) error of "file finances.xlsm could not be >> loaded". The documentation describes the error with: >> >> "This file,...
The Stata plugin interface (SPI) is the system by which plugins are compiled, loaded into Stata, and called from Stata. The SPI consists of four components: A set of routines within the Stata executable that have been exposed so that they can be called from plugins. The C source file,...
This is done as above:.use bhid bpno bsex bage pid bmastat bhgspn bqfachi bfiyr bfiyrl using $dir/bindresp.sort bhid.save bind, replacebhhsize bn kids bfihhyrusing $dir/bhhrespfilebin d.dtasaveduse bhid btenure sort bhid.merge bhid using variable bhid doesbindnot u 30、niquelyide...
It's pretty easy to create graphs and run tests in Stata using the Graphics menu and the Statistics menu. Let's look at a few examples.
A final insight is that it fails very quickly (quicker than it could have possibly loaded the file) with that read_len. With smaller read_len values, say dividing by 2, it waits for a long time and then fails. This issueandthis oneperhaps might be related. ...
stata中summarize所计算出来的峰度skewness和偏度kurtosis有问题,与ECELL和SPSS有较大差异,建议不采用stata的结果。 summarize var1 [aweight = var2], detail (求取分组数据的统计量,var1为各组的赋值,var2为每组的频数) tabstat X1,stats(mean n q max min sd var cv) ...
using$dir/aindresp Note that all variables except pid have the prefix a.This is a convention in the BHPS datafiles–all files and variables associated with wave1have the prefix a,for wave2it is b and so on.Let’s describe the data to see what has been loaded here.1 ...
save region4 file region4.dta saved . compdta if region==4 using hsng, l 1 mismatches in state state state_ 10. Oregon Example 3 In situation (3) above, the two variants of the keep option can be quite helpful. compdta uses Stata's merge command p nto merge observations from the ...