clear * Set directory global path "/home/ricardo/AAPAPERS/Stata_GPT_4/Examples/" * Initialize by loading the first dataset use "${path}data1.csv", clear rename v1 id rename v2 x1 destring x1, replace * Loop to merge the other datasets based on 'id' forvalues i=2/25 { * Load the...
a stata DTA 118 file which must b utf-8 encoded per Stata's dta documentation. However, it is latin-1 encoded. This happens when an older dta file is loaded into Stata and then saved in 118 format. If you think this should be fixed, you should contact Stata since this is their bug...
I was trying to open zipped Stata files and thought one could do it as in read_csvusing the compression='zip' keyword option. Is this not implemented? Saw #15644 and follow ups, but at the time it seems the discussion was about output not input files. In many cases providers give Sta...
stata中summarize所计算出来的峰度skewness和偏度kurtosis有问题,与ECELL和SPSS有较大差异,建议不采用stata的结果。 summarize var1 [aweight = var2], detail (求取分组数据的统计量,var1为各组的赋值,var2为每组的频数) tabstat X1,stats(mean n q max min sd var cv) (计算变量X1的算术平均值、样本量、...
2. The Stata user specifies the R library that need to be loaded-- eg library(cmprsk) -- and the exact R code needed to perform the specific calculations. These could be stored in an *.R file or for simple tasks could be passed directly to Rbridge. So Rbridge could have 2 mutually...