clear * Set directory global path "/home/ricardo/AAPAPERS/Stata_GPT_4/Examples/" * Initialize by loading the first dataset use "${path}data1.csv", clear rename v1 id rename v2 x1 destring x1, replace * Loop to merge the other datasets based on 'id' forvalues i=2/25 { * Load the...
. geoframe create Accidents (frame Accidents created) Frame name: Accidents Frame type: unit Feature type: Number of obs: 101,087 Unit ID: Coordinates: _X _Y Area: Linked shape frame: Overview of loaded frames . frame dir * Accidents * Borough * Borough_shp * SIL * Thames * Ward * ...
stata中summarize所计算出来的峰度skewness和偏度kurtosis有问题,与ECELL和SPSS有较大差异,建议不采用stata的结果。 summarize var1 [aweight = var2], detail (求取分组数据的统计量,var1为各组的赋值,var2为每组的频数) tabstat X1,stats(mean n q max min sd var cv) (计算变量X1的算术平均值、样本量、...
I was trying to open zipped Stata files and thought one could do it as in read_csvusing the compression='zip' keyword option. Is this not implemented? Saw #15644 and follow ups, but at the time it seems the discussion was about output not input files. In many cases providers give Sta...