“factor-variable and time-series operators not allowed”意味着在合并操作中,你可能使用了因子变量(factor variables)或时间序列操作符(time-series operators),而Stata不允许在merge命令中使用这些。 检查merge命令的语法: 确保你的merge命令中没有使用到任何因子变量(如i.var)或时间序列操作符(如L.、F.等)。
Factor variables converted from step 2, indexed byind1, will not have any unused factor levels. Nevertheless, factor variables fromdatmight have unused levels, which could be due to step 0 and step 1. Therefore, we need to ensure that any possible unused levels are dropped from these variabl...
王几行xing:【Stata-GMM】如何快速掌握动态矩估计方法(gmm/xtabond/xtdpdsys)? factor variables not allowed 方法2:OLS 文献来源 参考Richardson(2006),Wu等(2022)使用以下投资模型来估计预期的最优投资水平: Invest:固定资产、无形资产和在建工程之和的年增长,除以总资产 Growth:分别采用两种方法度量 托宾Q 营业收...
您好,请问输入上面命令之后显示factor-variable operators not allowed on latent variable YEAR是怎么回事呢 2023-06-23 回复喜欢 十里香锅 请问,有调节的中介最后的系数怎么看呀?_bs_1: r(cielw) _bs_2: r(ciemn) _bs_3: r(ciehi),完全不了解这三个系数的意思,没有明确说明那个是总效应,那...
. version 10 . regress mpg weight i.rep78factor variables not allowed r(101);. regress mpg weight rep78#foreigninteractions not allowed r(101);. mat colnames b = `coln'rep78#0b: operator invalid r(198); Once you see an error message similar to these, you can trace your code and ...
Now, we are familiar with statistical modelling on time series, but machine learning is all the ...
The level indicator variables are not created in your dataset, saving lots of space. Factor variables are integrated deeply into Stata’s processing of variable lists, providing a consistent way of interacting with both estimation and postestimation commands....
Factor and time series variables are not allowed. Differences fromlevelsof It can take avarlistand not just avarname; in that case it prints all unique combinations of the varlist. The user can specify column and row separators. It can deduplicate an arbitrary number of levels and store the...
, , and are allowed; see [U] 11.1.10 Prefix commands. does not appear in the dialog box. See [U] 20 Estimation and postestimation commands for more capabilities of estimation commands. Options Model ; see [R] estimation options. varlist specifies a set of variables that already ...
rep78 headroom trunk length turn displacement gear_ratio foreign, name(这个图我用来演示 aaplot 命令)) factor-variable and time-series operators not allowed . **变量过多 . aaplot price mpg rep78 headroom trunk length turn displacement gear_ratio foreign too many variables specified . **很遗憾,...