" 用 Stata15 打开 Stata14 以下的 dofile 时,屏幕会提示 " _n dis in w " ... The document is not encoded in UTF-8! ..." _n dis in w " 处理方法:在 Encoding: 下拉菜单中选择 「Chinese(GBK)」,点击 OK " _n dis in w " 注意:不要勾选「[ ] Dot not show this message again」...
xlsx foreach f in `r(files)'{ import excel using "`f'" , firstrow clear qui{ labone, n(1) drop in 1/2 cap ren Sym Stkcd cap ren StockCode Stkcd cap g year = substr(End,1,4) cap g year = substr(DeclareDate,1,4) cap g year = substr(ListedDate,1,4) cap g year = ...
生成新变量 可使用“rename”为变量重新命名,“drop”删除变量(也可用变量管理器) 对于较长的变量名,有如下的简便方法: 直接在变量窗口双击需要的变量,该变量名就会出现在命令窗口; 如变量存在规律,如s1,s2,s3,s4,s5,可用s1-s5来表示这5个变量; 用“”号来简化书写,如去掉所有以s开头的变量,则可输入“drop ...
(file bnd_stgredemption.dta not found) file bnd_stgredemption.dta saved Contains data from bnd_stgredemption.dta Observations: 32,913 Variables: 6 5 Jul 2023 15:12 --- Variable Storage Display Value name type format label Variable label ---...
matrix [1,1]notfound r(111); Stata中第三方矩阵相关的命令 matmapGiven matrix A and a user-supplied expression, matmap calculates matrix B with typical element matewmfGiven matrix A and a user-supplied monadic function f with Stata syntax f( ), matewmf calculates and displays matrix B with...
using old merge syntax; see [D] merge for new syntax). tab _merge_merge | Freq. Percent Cum.---+---3 | 5 100.00 100.00---+---Total | 5 100.00. drop _merge 4.4 数据重整 . input id str10 name math2003 math2004 economy2003 economy2004id name math2003 math2004 econo~2003 econo~...
2、可以使用 sysuse命令打开。.useauto,clear/ 打开汽车数据 auto.dta.cd d:/改变路径到d:/.useauto, clearfile auto.dta not found /系统提示无法找到文件,因为auto.dta 不在d:/r(601);.sysuseauto,clear /无论当前路径是什么,该命令均能打开系统自带文件示例数据Auto :美国1978年汽车数据,包括产地、车名...
\Program Files\Stata16\ado\base\_\_bayespredict_notfound.ado C:\Program Files\Stata16\ado\base\_\_bayespredict_parse.ado C:\Program Files\Stata16\ado\base\_\_bayespredict_regexm.ado C:\Program Files\Stata16\ado\base\_\_bayesstats.ado C:\Program Files\Stata16\ado\base\_\_bayesstats_...
16、什么,该命令均能打开系统自带文件3.1.2从网络获取数据上述示例数据可能没有全部下载到你的所用的电脑中,因此简单地使用use和sysuse命令时,可能出现错误,如 use nlswork clearfile nlswork.dta not found此时,如果确定该数据为示例数据,可以直接通过网络获取,其命令为: use stutaDyess/(hita/r9/ulsH'ork/从...
dropzero does not display coefficients with zeros in bar or rcap graphs. The name of the combined graph is saved in r(graph_name). 6.3 Bootstrap xtdcce2 can bootstrap confidence intervals and standard errors. It supports two types of bootstraps: the wild bootstrap and the cross-section ...