Aave v3.2 protocol. Contribute to aave-dao/aave-v3-origin development by creating an account on GitHub.
Suite result: ok. 9 passed;0 failed;0 skippedtest_repay_allDebttest_repay_partialDebttest_revert_repay_withoutFunds() (gas: 196882) Suite result: ok. 3 passedfortest_rescueTokenstest_reverts_rescueTokens_CALLER_NOT_POOL_ADMINtest_reverts_rescueTokens_UNDERLYING_CANNOT_BE_RESCUED...
input v1-v6v1 v2 v3 v4 v5 v61. 21 87 23 97 58 32.. 56 46 9 21 79 173.. 26 42 59 26 9 294.. 94 89 35 16 81 625.. 27 5 80 76 26 896.. 11 67 10 37 45 487.. 40 71 57 37 13 228.. 72 69 10 96 22 939. stack var1-var6, into(x) clear'stack' cannot be...
display “{text}mpg {c |} {result:21.3}” display “error: variable not found” display “{txt}the variable mpg has mean {res:21.3} in the sample” display “When using the {cmd:summarize} command, specify” display “{cmdab:su:mmarize}[{it:varlist}][{it:weight}][{cmdab:if} {...
16、什么,该命令均能打开系统自带文件3.1.2从网络获取数据上述示例数据可能没有全部下载到你的所用的电脑中,因此简单地使用use和sysuse命令时,可能出现错误,如 use nlswork clearfile nlswork.dta not found此时,如果确定该数据为示例数据,可以直接通过网络获取,其命令为: use stutaDyess/(hita/r9/ulsH'ork/从...
{result:21.3}" display "error: variable not found" display "{txt}the variable mpg has mean {res:21.3} in the sample" display "When using the {cmd:summarize} command, specify" display "{cmdab:su:mmarize}[{it:varlist}][{it:weight}][{cmdab:if} {it:exp}]" display "{opt replace}...
hello not found 这是因为stata按顺序来执行命令,先执行program drop hello,然而hello却不在内存中。因此,标准的程序中通常要加上一个灵活选择性命令capture,意思是,如果有hello这个命令,则执行删除命令,如果没有,则跳过这条命令,执行下一条命令。*/ *===begin=== captureprogram drophello programhello display“...
(note: file mylong.dta not found) file mylong.dta saved . reshape wide (note: j = 2003 2004) Data long -> wide --- Number of obs. 16 -> 8 Number of variables 5 -> 6 j variable (2 values) year -> (dropped) xij variables...
display“`1’not found” exit } display“the variable `1’exists.” end *===end=== use hb97,clear check inc check exp 7.5.2循环语句套条件语句 任务7.11:求6-500之间能同时被2,3,5整除的数 *===begin=== forvalues x=6/200 { if mod(`x’,2)==0 & mod(`x’,3)==0 & mod(`x...
. kgitee xtsfsp checking xtsfsp consistency and verifying not already installed... installing into D:\Software\Stata17\ado\plus... installation complete. checking xtsfsp consistency and verifying not already installed... copying into current directory... ...