//显示了数据的变量名字Variable name、储存类信访Storage type、显示格式Display format、变量标签Variable label (5)更改数据储存格式 destring strvwar,force replace //直接将字符串类型数据转换成数值型数据 encode strvar,gen(numvar) //将字符串型数据转换成数值型数据,通过生成新的变量方式 (6)更改数据显示格...
输入:net property, plant and equipment, net operating leases, net research and development, purchased goodwill, other intangible assets, cost of inventory, general, selling and administrative expenses. 二阶段 控制:firm size, market share, positive free cash flows, firm age, number of segments and...
1. The format command follows the general syntax: format varname format_spec[, options] - varname: the name of the variable you want to format. - format_spec: the format specification that determines the appearance of the variable. This can include display formats, width, decimal places, et...
storage display value variable nametypeformat label variable label --- idfloat%9.0g femalefloat%9.0g fl sesfloat%9.0g sl schtypfloat%9.0g scltypeof school progfloat%9.0g seltypeof program readfloat%9.0g reading score writefloat%9.0g writing score mathfloat%9.0g math score sciencefloat%9.0g ...
display invttail(n,p)(ttail的逆运算) 给数据库和变量做标记: label data "~~~"(对现用的数据库做标记,"~~~"就是标记,可自行填写) label variable x "~~~"(对变量x做标记) label values x label1(赋予变量x一组标签:label1) label define label1 1 "a1" 2 "a2"(定义标签的具体内容:当x=1时...
Labels are also used in the output of most Stata commands,so proper labeling of the dataset will produce much more readable results.We will work through an example of properly labeling a dataset, its variables,and the values of one encoded variable.The dataset structure:The describe command At ...
Stata在图表构建方面的最大优点是(除了图表质量),可以自由操控图表元素甚至通过自定义完成图表的叠加 ...
(c) 2019 010-56451129 010-56451128 54 智慧教育 创新科研 0.1分位数回归 storage display variable name type format lwage college nearc4 exper black motheduc float float byte byte byte byte %9.0g %9.0g %9.0g %9.0g %9.0g %9.0g value label variable label log(wage) =1 if near 4 yr ...
presidential voters Variables: 5 3 Mar 2020 14:27 (_dta has notes) --- Variable Storage Display Value name type format label Variable label --- candidat int %8.0g candidat Candidate voted for, 1992 inc int %8.0g inc2 Family income frac float %9.0g pfrac double %10.0g pop...
(Ftail的逆运算)display tden(n,t)(自由度为n的t分布)display ttail(n,t)(自由度为n的反向累计t分布)display invttail(n,p)(ttail的逆运算) 给数据库和变量做标记:label data ""(对现用的数据库做标记,""就是标记,可自行填写)label variable x ""(对变量x做标记)label values x label1(赋予变量...