format x1 %10.3f ——将x1的列宽固定为10,小数点后取三位 format x1 %10.3g ——将x1的列宽固定为10,有效数字取三位 format x1 %10.3e ——将x1的列宽固定为10,采用科学计数法 format x1 %10.3fc ——将x1的列宽固定为10,小数点后取三位,加入千分位分隔符 format x1 %10.3gc ——将x1的列宽固定为...
,数据的转换(reshape),数据的结构: 宽数据(wide format) 长数据(long format) 菜单: Data-Create or change vari 10、ables-Other variable transformation commands-Convert data between wide 按变量x的分类,生成一张其取值图histogram x,discrete; 箱线图。 按变量x的分类,生成变量y的箱线图: graph box y,...
26、ls for the levels of a categorical variablenotesApply notes to the data fileegenExtended generate - has special functions that can be used when creating a new variable saveStore the dataset currently in memory on disk in Stata data format六、管理数据(Managing data)在本节中,我们将进一步介绍...
//price是Y,中介变量是weight,iv independent variable自变量是length,cv是control variable控制变量。 中介效应的KHB分解: . use dlsy_khb.dta, clear //导入命令自带的数据. khb logit univ fses || abil//Y=univ, M=fes, X-abil *** 8 Poisson泊松回归:计数模型 泊松是一个常用的计数回归模型。举个简...
Contains data from M_Jones.dta Observations: 43,112 Variables: 3 2 Jun 2023 17:40 --- Variable Storage Display Value name type format label Variable label --- Stkcd long %10.0g 证券代码 year int %10.0
Data > Create or change data > Other variable-transformation commands > Interchange observations and variables 数据>创建或修改数据>其他变量转换命令>数据转置…… 8. 存储的结果 无 9. 补充 注意:原始数据中有字符串的话,转置后会丢失。 如果要转置纯字符串数据,可以使用sxpose,需要通过ssc install进行安装...
•generate for creating new variables.It has a minimum abbreviation of g.•replace for replacing the values of an existing variable.It may not be abbreviated because it alters existing data and hence can be considered dangerous.The most basic form for creating new variables is generate newvar...
Change storage types, names, and formats Add and edit value labels Attach notes to variables Filter variables For Windows , Mac , and Unix Watch Label variables. Watch Label the values of categorical variables. Watch Change the display format of a variable. Watch Add notes to a variable...
wide → long: varname, new variable takes a variable name or a variable name and a list of values */ 示例1:快速上手 代码语言:javascript 复制 clearsetmore off capture log close global root="..."//设定一个存放数据的根目录use"",clear ...