exfile.rename(columns = {'mpg':'milespg'}, inplace=True) Delete variable(s) drop newtxt newnum exfile = exfile.drop(columns=['newtxt','newnum']) or exfile = exfile.drop(['newtxt','newnum'], axis=1) or exfile.drop(columns="newtxt", inplace = True) or del exfile['ne...
c. the Delete key can now be used to drop data. See [GS] 6 Using the Data Editor (GSM, GSU, or GSW). 18. Concerning the Do-file Editor, a. matching braces are highlighted. b. an adjustable column guide has been added. c. you can now zoom in and out. d. you can convert ...
local res = substr("this",1,2) + "at" stores that in res. Getting Started 18 Programming Stata 9 Because the expression can be either numeric or string, what is the difference between the following statements? . local a "example" . local b = "example" Both statements store example in...
The replace suboption tells Stata to delete any graphs already saved under this name. We then combine the two graphs using graph combine. The graph combine command has a series of options for controlling how the com- bined graph is to be displayed. To begin with, it is important to set ...
Dev . Min Max id 30 15.5 8.803408 1 30 lastname 0 firstname 0 city 0 Zeros indicate string variables state 0 gender 0 studentsta~s 0 major 0 country 0 age 30 25.2 6.870226 18 39 sat 30 1848.9 275.1122 1338 2309 averagesco~e 30 80.36667 10.11139 63 96 heightin 30 66.43333 4.658573 ...
stringwidewidewidelongreshape long inc93 inc9 23、2j i (.hid.) j (.sex.) stringReshape 命令 *From Iong-long form to Iong-wide formreshape wide inc, i(hid year) j(sex) string *From Iong-wide form to Iong-long formreshape long inc, i(hid year) j(sex) string *From Iong-long ...
From there you can simply delete the current name and enter the desired name. Another option would be to close the Data Editor window when you have finished entering all of the data. Then you can click on the variable name (e.g., var2) in the Variables window, which will bring up ...
Delete removes the selected mands from the Review window. Select all selects all the mands in the Review window, including those before and after the mands currently displayed. [ GSM ] 2 The Stata user interface 27 Clear all clears out all the mands from the Review window, including those ...
(which includesthestringvariable)whenthearguments arestrings.Morethanonevariablecanbe specified. Referencingmultiplevariablesatatime: Saythefollowingvariablesareinadatafile intheordershown:var1var2var3agevar4 var5Thenyoucouldcodethemas: var1--var5ToSAS,thismeans"allvariables thatarepositionallybetweenvar1...
Delete observations: data new; set new; if var1 = 1 then delete; run; Drop observations: drop if var1 == 1 Loop over a variable list (varlist): data new(drop= i); set new; array raymond {4} var1 var2 var3 var4; do i = 1 to 4; if raymond{i} = 99 then raymond{i} =...