If ci is not present, metabias assumes it was accidentally omitted, displays an appropriate warning message, and proceeds to carry out the analysis as if ci had been specified. Warning: The user should be aware that it remains possible to provide theta and its variance, var theta, on the ...
01.Stata provides a broad range of statistics 02.Stata is intended for researchers of all disciplines. 03.Stata has complete data-management capabilities. Stata is not just a statistics package -- it is a full data-management system with statistical capabilities. 04.Stata is easy to use. 05....
Moran's I is a measure of spatial autocorrelation--how related the values of a variable are based on the locations where they were measured. Using a set of user-written Stata commands, we can calculate Moran's I in Stata. We will be using the spatwmat command to generate a matrix of...
StataCorp provides this manual "as is" without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. StataCorp may make improvements and/or changes in the product(s) and the program(s)...
Thevariogcommand allows you to calculate and graph a variogram for regularly spaced one-dimensional data. The variog2 command allows you to calculate and graph a variogram for two-dimensional data without constraints on spacing. In both cases, the variogram illustrates how differences in a measured...
st: "year not regularly spaced" and newey, Justina.Fischer (Thu Mar 25 10:40:11 2004) st: Statsby and weights, Plummer, Dale (Thu Mar 25 09:30:52 2004) <Possible follow-ups> Re: st: Statsby and weights, Jeff Pitblado, StataCorp LP (Thu Mar 25 13:30:06 2004) RE: st: ...