Stata 5: How do I create a lag variable? TitleStata 5: Creating lagged variables AuthorJames Hardin, StataCorp Create lag (or lead) variables using subscripts. . gen lag1 = x[_n-1] . gen lag2 = x[_n-2] . gen lead1 = x[_n+1] ...
这不是lagged variable的问题,这是求面板数据中的变化率。sort company by company: gen growth = (s...
其中: CFit/Ait-1:cash flow over lagged assets DIVit/Ait-1: cash dividends over lagged assets Cit/Ait-1:cash balances over lagged assets LEVit:leverage Qit:the market value of equity (price times shares outstanding plus assets minus the book value of equity over assets). Cui等(2023)也采用...
avg_effectModule to calculate mean (standardized) effect size across multiple outcomes avplot2Modules for added variable plots avplot3Module to generate partial regression plots for subsamples avplots4Module to graph added-variable plots for specified regressors in a single image b1x2Module to account...
Time variable: t, 1 to 5 Delta: 1 unit . *Durbin model . . spm y x1, model(durbin) sarwmat(W1) sarw2mat(W2) Warning: All the specified regressors will be spatially lagged. Iteration 0: Log-likelihood = -1876.7765 (not concave) ...
*splagvar --- Generates spatially lagged variables, constructs the Moran scatter plot, *and calculates global Moran's I statistics. *_2016GDP:使用变量_2016GDP *wname(W):使用空间权重矩阵W *indicate the name of the spatial weights matrix to be used *wfrom(Stata):indicate source of the spati...
*splagvar --- Generates spatially lagged variables, constructs the Moran scatter plot, *and calculates global Moran's I statistics. *_2016GDP:使用变量_2016GDP *wname(W):使用空间权重矩阵W *indicate the name of the spatial weights matrix to be used *wfrom(Stata):indicate source of the spati...
S458803 POWERMAP: Stata module to create power heat maps for experimental design using multiple periods by Cristhian Pulido S458802 GRVAR: Stata module to apply a non-constant growth rate to a variable by Daniel Pailañir Vargas S458801 RWRMED: Stata module for performing causal mediation anal...
Weakness- a dummy variable that equals one if firms disclose a material weakness in internal controls in the current year and zero otherwise 基于数据可得性,本文对第1、3、4项进行构造。 此外,Huang等(2020)定义了一个综合指标,分为三个成分: ...
(2024). Assessing the impact of energy-related uncertainty on G20 stock market returns: A decomposed contemporaneous and lagged R2 connectedness approach Appendix A. Supplementary data【数据】 清洗数据 cd C:\Download\1-s2.0-S014098832400183X-mmc1 import delim "Empirical return data", case(...