Stata 5: How do I create a lag variable? TitleStata 5: Creating lagged variables AuthorJames Hardin, StataCorp Create lag (or lead) variables using subscripts. . gen lag1 = x[_n-1] . gen lag2 = x[_n-2] . gen lead1 = x[_n+1] ...
这不是lagged variable的问题,这是求面板数据中的变化率。sort company by company: gen growth = (s...
2、ilename of new dBase dataset*coordinates(coord):创建一个名称为“coord”的坐标系数据集 *coordinates(filename):Specifies filename of new coordinates dataset*gencentroids(stub):Creates centroid variables*genid(newvarname):Creates unique id variable for database.dtashp2dta using CHN_adm1,database...
In Stata, you can create lagged variables using the "generate" commandand the "L." prefix. For instance, if you want to create a lagged version of a variable called "x" with a lag of one period, you can use the following command: "generate lag_x = L.x." Repeat this process for...
*splagvar --- Generates spatially lagged variables, constructs the Moran scatter plot, *and calculates global Moran's I statistics. *_2016GDP:使用变量_2016GDP *wname(W):使用空间权重矩阵W *indicate the name of the spatial weights matrix to be used *wfrom(Stata):indicate source of the spati...
*splagvar --- Generates spatially lagged variables, constructs the Moran scatter plot, *and calculates global Moran's I statistics. *_2016GDP:使用变量_2016GDP *wname(W):使用空间权重矩阵W *indicate the name of the spatial weights matrix to be used *wfrom(Stata):indicate source of the spati...
*splagvar --- Generates spatially lagged variables, constructs the Moran scatter plot, *and calculates global Moran's I statistics. *_2016GDP:使用变量_2016GDP *wname(W):使用空间权重矩阵W *indicate the name of the spatial weights matrix to be used *wfrom(Stata):indicate source of the spati...
Variable Storage Display Value name type format label Variable label --- year float %9.0g mon float %9.0g code2 str6 %9s 国家二位码 EUI float %9.0g 国家能源不确定性 --- Sorted by: year mon . ta y year | Freq.
(fmt)]:display p-values instead of t statistics *label:make use of variable labels *title(string):specify a title for the table esttab fe re , b se r2 star( * 0.1 ** 0.05 *** 0.01) *hausman 检验 * 进行 hausman 检验前,回归中没有使用稳健标准误 (没用“ r”), * 是因为传统的...