发生这种情况的原因是因为Stata不允许在某些命令中使用optionse选项。解决方法:1. 尝试使用不同的命令,如果可以使用optionse选项,则可以解决问题。2. 尝试使用不同的参数,如果可以使用optionse选项,则可以解决问题。3. 尝试使用不同的数据集,如果可以使用optionse选项,则可以解决问题。4. 尝试使用不同...
wntestq varname [if] [in] [, lags(#)] 其中,中括号内的内容可以省略。 这意味着在使用该语句时,可以不规定滞后阶数, 此时Stata默认滞后阶数为min{floor(n/2)-2,40} (此处floor表示向下取整) 我从Excel表中将年龄数据粘贴到了stata中,不只为什么显示为红色字(即为字符型),我使用destring a103,replace...
wntestq varname [if] [in] [, lags(#)] 其中,中括号内的内容可以省略。 这意味着在使用该语句时,可以不规定滞后阶数, 此时Stata默认滞后阶数为min{floor(n/2)-2,40} (此处floor表示向下取整) <hr/>我从Excel表中将年龄数据粘贴到了stata中,不只为啥显示为红色字(即为字符型),我使用destring...
A greater number of lagged values may be included in the test via the lags option. Stata Technical Bulletin 15 Remarks pThe Breusch–Godfrey test is a general test of the null hypothesis that the regression errors t are independently distributed, versus the alternative that their distribution ...
(numlist): set lag lengths, maxlags(numlist): set maximum lag lengths, ec: display output in error-correction form, ec1: like option ec, but level variables in t − 1 instead of t, aic: use AIC as information criterion instead of BIC, exog(varlist): exogenous variables in the ...
The following option is available with but is not shown in the dialog box: ; see [R] estimation options. xtabond — Arellano–Bond linear dynamic panel-data estimation 27 Remarks and examples Linear dynamic panel-data models include lags of the dependent variable as covariates and contain ...
local lag=`lags' while `tau'>`lim'{ local result "有单位根" local tau=1 local lim=1 } while `tau'<`lim'{ local result "无单位根" local tau=1 local lim=1 } di "t=1,p=`lag',`variable'`result'" } qui dfgls `var',not ...
While you can specify eci to force presentation of the empirical confidence interval, you should not. leave, allowed only with bs, specifies that a data set of the bootstrapped statistic be left behind in place of the data currently in memory. The default is to leave the original data ...
for the difference equation using xtset data xtdpd y L.y x, div(x) dgmmiv(y) Add the first difference of the lag of x as an instrument for the level equation xtdpd y L.y x, div(x) dgmmiv(y) lgmmiv(x) Use lags 3 to 5 of x as instruments for the difference equation xtdpd ...
leads(# [#]) Similar to the option lags it determines the number of leads to be included in the error correction equations. lrwindow(#) Sets the width of the Bartlett kernel window used in the semi-parametric estimation of long run variances. constant When given, a constant is added to ...